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they probably took it down to lull us into a false sense of disappointment so we'd resign to go to bed early and not stay up and check our emails so that they could delay the wave of responses and questions when they stealthily release them later tonight. (hope springs eternal...) luckily, i'm on the west coast, so it's only 9...

I don't think that this is the case. We've been had! One more week of this...

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well, i guess people from other parts of the world can carry on.......

anyone else currently outside the US right now?? I'm currently GMT +3.

Lol I was about to say "Now that we got the east coasters outta here" I'm totally kidding though. I used to be an east coaster too.

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Does anyone have any concrete information regarding what time of day announcements were made in 2008 and 2007?

According to my email archive, I recieved an email rejection from NSF last year on April 2, 2008 at 10:02 am. I remember that the list had gone up maybe 15 minutes before that but I think they email at the same time. Gmail can be a little slow on delivery if there's a lot of traffic.

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<> Anyhow. Looks like all that refreshing was for nothing, the site is back up same as ever. I kind of think the people at the NSF may actually be reading this thread (yes, thank you, I am becoming increasingly paranoid) and realized the notice of maintenance had gotten us all worked up, so took it down out of kindness. Although of course it made some of us even more worked up.

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