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I still get a 404 error for my rating sheets. Anyone else?

Same here. I applied last year, and my login is the same as last year, for what it's worth.

Anyway, I think I'll head home from the office now. I have to be up early to proctor an exam.

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Oh well, off to bed! Will probably sign on one more time in the morning to hear back from everyone else, but after that I am moving on. Seriously, congrats to everyone who got an award! I'm glad the wait was worth it for at least a few of us.

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Got the rating sheets - a good/good, a good/excellent, and a very good/very good. Their comments are spot on, and they were actually extremely encouraging to me! I need to tighten up some of the theoretical/methodological aspects, but all in all, even the crabby old good/good reviewer called the research exciting. I am pleased with the sheets, although a little disappointed in the result.

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I also got an HM.

What are the ratings some of the winners are getting on their sheets (# of excellent/very goods/etc)? I got 4 excellent and 2 very good, but the writing in the reviews doesn't seem to be too beneficial for retooling essays...

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I didn't submit GRE scores. Two of my reviewers commented on GRE scores anyone have any idea how they would obtain them?

I know that my SAT scores were on my undergrad transcript because they were reported to that institution. Perhaps your official transcript has your GRE scores reported on it.

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I got 4 very goods. But the guy mis-interpreted my antenna research and equated the research to "The described project seems to have a relatively narrow scope based on impedance matching." which doesn't make sense in the context he read it. Matching antennas is important, and the crooks of antenna design. He obviously had no clue what frequency independent antennas are about and the practical problems associated with them.

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How aggravating. I received an excellent/excellent, excellent/very good, and very good/very good, and got HM. The worse part, though, is that I was given no criticism. From their comments, there is no reason I shouldn't just re-submit the same application next year.

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I got 3 excellents, 2 very goods, and one good. The reviewer that trashed me most said my writing style was "somewhat unprofessional." Ouch. I think the biggest thing that hurt me, though, was my lack of publications. I really need to get on that.

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hey, congrats to all you who got hm. that's still pretty good in my book (i would have been ok with that, although I'm just a senior undergrad, so I would have had more chances to reapply). I think some disciplines just get funded more easily than others sometimes. (e.g. I'm in geology, but I'm doing a project that oil companies don't care about, unlike a lot of other work that's being done) I wish you all the best of luck in finding other funding opportunities.

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Of all people (no offense, Higgins) I was rooting for you the most.

Thank you... believe it or not... after all this, your comment was what finally made me cry :-)

I am heartbroken. I got all excellents and 1very good, I was ranked really high and TWO of the reviewers called me a "truly remarkable applicant"... I did not get one single negative comment or suggestion for how to improve my application next year but it doesn't really matter, because there is no next year for me now.

Honorable Mention is definitely not something to be ashamed about but it doesn't find me a place to go does it?

wow... I know I'll be over it tomorrow but I can't believe how sad this makes me. Hopefully I'll just be mad soon and I can move on.

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I didn't get HM or an award, though I have continued watching this list. Great comments all around on intellectual merit, with two "very good", one "excellent". Broader impacts was really inconsistent - one excellent, one fair, one poor.

Excellent: "This project has great potential for defining a renewable and potentially large source of energy -- hydrogen. The methods proposed will be usable in the search for other bio-culture sources of transportable and renewable energy."

Poor: "The applicant does not provide any information regarding past, current, or future broader impact activities; this is a required part of the NSF application."

It seems there is an inconsistent understanding among reviewers about what constitutes "broader impacts"...

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Honorable Mention.

Excellent / Excellent

Excellent / Very Good

Excellent / Very Good

The comments were incredibly astute and managed to pinpoint what I felt were the true weaknesses in the application. Dunno if I want to re-submit next year though.

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Hi all,

I've been following this since page 11 and apparently I fell through the cracks with no email ever being sent. I'm crushed and have no one to share this with but you all this time and just needed to say that. Congrats to those who got the HM and the Fellowships.

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So 4 very goods, with 4 1st author publications, awarded other fellowships, ect. Nothing telling me anything negative other than "It will be helpful to this applicant if he could format his proposal better so that the intellectual merit of his work can be made clearer." not very helpful.

This was my first and only shot at this (I have funding through a research grant either way). I think possibly that my research topic isn't "hot" and it's why I wasn't considered for further review? It seemed like one of the people reading my proposal didn't really understand antennas. :wink:

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