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What kind of Friar goes around threatening and insulting everybody? Have you given any thought to your character's motivation? Shape up before you get your ass handed to you by the pirate.

I do be a man of peace, yet my anger doth be stirred when I do encounter pompous fools. There dost be those who doth need a remedy for actions which in the tongues of man art called stupid. That remedy dost be mine quarterstaff, for the foolishness of their actions art a bane to all mankind.

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Yeah, thanks for the perspective. It is easy to put too much hope into one thing.

As for some of the political rumblings, awesome, I feel the government should definitely offer as much support to native PhD students as it can. We need to have the best researchers in the world to keep a strong position in the future flat-world.

However, I think almost anyone wanting to get a PhD can get funding, just not always at the school of their choice.

I believe that is really only true within the scientific disciplines. The arts students I know are often not offered any funding at all or are offered funding that is impossible to live on.

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Thanks for writing cogdiss, and congratulations on your award. I really hope the inside scoop from your advisor is correct. I remember writing my essays last September-October as the banks were crashing and the bailout was being debated...I thought it was horrible luck to be applying at such a time. But now, who knows.

This is my first and last time applying- I'm into my second year. The GRFP doesn't bear on my choice of institution, but will give me the freedom to do the necessary field work for my project whenever I want to do it. If I don't get it, I'll have to stay behind and fulfill my teaching requirements. Such is life at a large public school facing budget cuts.

(and I've missed you Friar.Tuck)

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I thought this my distract people while they are waiting:



(Information For Coordinating Officials link listed on http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201)

"7. Supplementation of Stipend by Fellowship Institution

The institution may, if it deems such action desirable, augment NSF Fellows

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I do be a man of peace, yet my anger doth be stirred when I do encounter pompous fools. There dost be those who doth need a remedy for actions which in the tongues of man art called stupid. That remedy dost be mine quarterstaff, for the foolishness of their actions art a bane to all mankind.

Very well - carry on!

P.S. Stop haunting my dreams.

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I believe that you are limited to $5000 in addition to the fellowship stipend (per year).

This is not accurate. Your additional support is only subject to the limitations of your university. (i.e. at Columbia you get no more while at Princeton, they generously supplement you)

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This is not accurate. Your additional support is only subject to the limitations of your university. (i.e. at Columbia you get no more while at Princeton, they generously supplement you)

Sorry, I must have been thinking of the NDSEG

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I'm going to preface this by saying that it's about fourth or fifth-hand information, but I'll share it anyway in case it's useful. My adviser is involved in an NSF granting panel, and he says the delay is definitely related to adding more awards due to the stimulus package. According to him, they are really fighting to offer fellowships to as many people as possible, because they feel that this is the most promising way to "stimulate" future science. Apparently it's incredibly complicated to get a large number of new awards organized and approved at this late date, resulting in the "total shit show" going on at NSF right now (again, his words:) ). There are a couple of people in my department anxiously waiting to get results, and he was telling them he heard that NSF was actually calling reviewers to have them re-evaluate people who were slated for HMs, and even provide third reviews for those who had strong proposals but didn't get a third review the first time around. So, if that information is accurate (and again, I really can't check it), even if you did manage to log in and only had two reviews, it doesn't necessarily mean your chances are shot this year (especially if the reviews were positive). Either way, it may be easier to manage the waiting knowing that it's maybe related to NSF going to bat for you money-wise rather than them sitting on their hands gleefully postponing and eeking out tantalizing bits of information on Fastlane. Although, if someone had said that to me last year at this time, I probably would have slapped them in the neck, so I'll understand if you don't feel glowingly appreciative of NSF right now:)

Now I am going to feel really bad if I do not get it this year!

If they really do add a bunch of awards, I wonder if they will just decrease the number of HM or if they will increase the overall percentage of people getting some sort of title from NSF. I guess an alternative possibility is that the overall number of applicants was increased this year with the bad economy, so the awards rate will remain constant with the addition of awards from the stimulus bill.

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Now I am going to feel really bad if I do not get it this year!

If they really do add a bunch of awards, I wonder if they will just decrease the number of HM or if they will increase the overall percentage of people getting some sort of title from NSF. I guess an alternative possibility is that the overall number of applicants was increased this year with the bad economy, so the awards rate will remain constant with the addition of awards from the stimulus bill.

would be awesome if this was true... i had two pretty good reviews (i got in early last thursday) and couldn't understand why I didn't at least get to the third reviewer stage... i have my fingers crossed. but whatever happens, happens. there is still a chance, so I guess that is good...

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LOL at 12:37 pm pacific time. I hightly doubt he knows more than anyone else. I would like the guess except it's missing a five.

he's a she, but thanks for the non-judgmental assessment of "angele"...it could, in fact, be a masculine handle!

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