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So... I got this email from NDSEG today:

"This is a reminder that you still have not accepted or declined your NDSEG fellowship offer. Please make sure to accept or decline our offer by tomorrow, Tuesday April 7th. We have also received several inquiries from award winners waiting to here back from NSF. If you are waiting for NSF, you can have a few extra days to make your decision, however please let us know by Friday at the latest. If you fall into this category, please send us an email stating you are waiting for NSF. Those not waiting for NSF must respond by tomorrow."

Maybe this means NSF will be out by Friday? I mean why would they change the date if it wasnt going to make a difference?

My guess: Friday 2PM.

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[NDSEG said] "...We have also received several inquiries from award winners waiting to here [sic] back from NSF. ..."

I can't believe that they would make that error in an e-mail that they send to all of their selected award recipients.

My guess: Friday 2PM.

You truly believe that we live in a conniving, harsh world, don't you?

At least you have an award in your pocket right now... congratulations. :)

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So... I got this email from NDSEG today:

"This is a reminder that you still have not accepted or declined your NDSEG fellowship offer. Please make sure to accept or decline our offer by tomorrow, Tuesday April 7th. We have also received several inquiries from award winners waiting to here back from NSF. If you are waiting for NSF, you can have a few extra days to make your decision, however please let us know by Friday at the latest. If you fall into this category, please send us an email stating you are waiting for NSF. Those not waiting for NSF must respond by tomorrow."

Maybe this means NSF will be out by Friday? I mean why would they change the date if it wasnt going to make a difference?

My guess: Friday 2PM.

Still, that seems a little ridiculous that you would have to decide the same day you hear from NSF. Hopefully for you NDSEG winners NSF will let us know sooner than Friday.

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Still, that seems a little ridiculous that you would have to decide the same day you hear from NSF. Hopefully for you NDSEG winners NSF will let us know sooner than Friday.

I really don't understand what decision there is to be made? Take the NDSEG and have five years of funding if you get the NSF too. Why would you wait?

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I was talking to my prof today, and there is one very subtle advantage to accepting the NSF over the NDSEG. (something that should only happen during your final 3 years, in which case you cannot defer the NSF and accept the NDSEG). later on, should you become a faculty member, a NSF GRF will stand out more when you apply to NSF for NSF career awards and NSF grants. This is due to the fact that NSF GRF funding is indicative of researching a project that the NSF was interested in, while NDSEG is indicative of conducting research on a project a defense agency was interested in. Ofcourse, I would still accept a NDSEG due to the greater funding.

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blast...I think you all are watching the NCAA championship game...me too.

Come on Michigan St you cant loose to the holes! That would just make today awful.

If Carolina continues this trend, I probably will not be sleeping since half my neighbors will be partying all night long

Go Spartans! Go Blue Devils!!!

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I was talking to my prof today, and there is one very subtle advantage to accepting the NSF over the NDSEG. (something that should only happen during your final 3 years, in which case you cannot defer the NSF and accept the NDSEG). later on, should you become a faculty member, a NSF GRF will stand out more when you apply to NSF for NSF career awards and NSF grants. This is due to the fact that NSF GRF funding is indicative of researching a project that the NSF was interested in, while NDSEG is indicative of conducting research on a project a defense agency was interested in. Ofcourse, I would still accept a NDSEG due to the greater funding.

I went ahead and accepted my offer from NDSEG, but I am also concerned about this in case I do get offered an NSF GRFP as well, since I am already in my second year of grad school. Wouldn't even being offered the award still be worthy of being put on your cv, even if you don't accept?

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I wonder what Friar Tuck is up to...

NSF is just a protein, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor. Maybe NSF needs accessory factors to help it carry out its function of listing the award recipients. Or maybe the NSF message is unstable and is rapidly degraded. Whatever the explanation, "It's a outrage" as Rachel from As I Lay Dying would say.


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