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I was told end of next week in my first phonecall. I would be willing to wait till May or even June if it meant significant increases in the number of awards.

I would be willing to wait until June if I was on the "additional awards" list. But don't tell them I said that :wink: I am one of the limbo applicants, and am having trouble concentrating because I have my fingers crossed 24/7.

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I was told end of next week in my first phonecall. I would be willing to wait till May or even June if it meant significant increases in the number of awards.

I think the results would have to come out by May 1st at the latest...it's the deadline for acceptance, deferral, and declaring your intentions for the next year.

I agree with jeeves also. I don't think GPA/GRE scores matter too much- it's not what'll make or break your application. I spent the most time on my personal essay.

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Oh man, I don't think we need to be that impatient and call the director. I'm sure enough people are annoying whoever it is already in-house.

Okay, so is the consensus now that those of us waiting in limbo have honorable mention and have a possibility of getting funded? I really hope they'll release something to let us know at least that. I too am crossing my fingers and hoping for some recovery money/prestige, but I really think they'll only choose maybe 10 more people (at the most) or so based on previous years.

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it seems like it should be more than 10 people. this is a lot of anxiety for a lot of people for only 10 more slots. i am pretty sure it will be more, but who knows. :?: hope all who celebrated had a happy holiday... cheers!

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That's why im not giving out his contact info. I don't want him to get bombarded. This matters a lot more to me than other posters here. In engineering, you typically aren't guaranteed 5 years of ph.d funding. So if I don't get fellowship funding (very likely), I will be SOL and will need to be very careful in choosing my internship for the summer.

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I feel like the number of additional awards should be a significant amount, at least more than 50. The wording of the message on Fastlane referring to the first "installment" implies that there will be a second "installment". Of course, I could be reading too much into the semantics, but to me, why call it an installment if it's just a few trickling of awards left?

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Good call blah2009 - all I know for sure is that those of us posting, this means a lot to us and we're probably overthinking it and really have no idea. The best thing for our sanity is to think in terms of rejection or HM - they've already put out a lot of fellowships. And I'm sure they don't care about our anxiety - we're adults and presumably can be fairly patient and be able to handle rejection.

Or at least pretend that we can :)

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we're adults and presumably can be fairly patient and be able to handle rejection.

I got into every college and grad school I applied to and ended up marrying the first girl I ever seriously considered having a long term relationship with. This whole rejection thing is new for me :(

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Has anyone tried calling yet this morning? I'll report when I do.

I just called. I had them check to make sure my rejection didn't get lost in the email, and it hadn't. The young man on the phone told me that there are around 2,000 applications still being reviewed. He said he doesn't believe that any of those will receive rejection letters, but that there is no guarantee. His quote to me was "At the very least, you'll get an Honorable Mention." Dude, there is no shame in that! Of course, he also said that he does not know when the process will be complete - wouldn't even give me an idea. So there you have it, my phone call to GRF.

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I got into every college and grad school I applied to and ended up marrying the first girl I ever seriously considered having a long term relationship with. This whole rejection thing is new for me :(

If those are the criteria, then I'm a definite failure. But at least my penis is happy.

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Just called and heard essentially the same thing: 2100 are still under review, all of which will receive at least honorable mention. He looked me up + told me that I was in that group, but I couldn't get any particular information about where I might be on the list and I couldn't get him to give a time table (asked if it would be about a week and he wouldn't say). I also asked if it was particular fields that are under consideration and he said that they hadn't heard anything from NSF; got the same reply when I asked for a ballpark # of awards to be given.

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If those are the criteria, then I'm a definite failure. But at least my penis is happy.

Verily, thou art a coarse and vulgar barbarian. Thy words seemeth like those of a puerile child, who hath not reach'd maturity. Thou art the greatest fool here, and hath less in the manner of brains than hath a bowl of mash

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Here, my friends, is an example of an unhappy-penis-bearer.

Wow. You seem to have the maturity level of a 14 year old. Most of us are grown up, and stopped comparing genitalia in the school yard, you however, seem to be an exception to this maturity. I'd recommend growing up, going through puberty, and then returning to the grad cafe once you are capable of having inteligent discourse with other people.

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