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we're not giving up, just don't have much to say at this point. how do you discuss waiting? "gee, it sucks" and "darn, i hope i get an award" about sums it up. personally, i'm enjoying spring and trying not to worry too much.

Well, you could say the same about the past several months, and yet we still somehow managed to get to 162 pages... :P

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Well, you could say the same about the past several months, and yet we still somehow managed to get to 162 pages... :P

yes, but as it drags on, we become more zen-like. or just exhausted. at this point, i just keep checking back when i get bored at work. :|

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From NSF's twitter:

"External users of NSF eBusiness systems will experience delays/outages tonight between 1000 & 1200 EDT as NSF installs ARRA funding patches."


"NSF Spending Plan for FY09 and ARRA approved by OMB, ARRA plan delivered to Congress. NSF expects to be able to move soon on funding actions"

Maybe this week?

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hi all-

this is my first post here...i found the forum last week thru a google search... but i have skimmed thru about the last 50 pages of this post and have a ques about the stipend that the award gives - is that intended entierly for personal / educational expenses, or should I also use it to run studies, pay ppl to be part of studies & other research related stuff, etc.?

wasn't sure about this, and i have heard some conflicting things, so thought i'd ask u all, while the board is kinda quiet before the final round of announcements are made at some point... :) thanks!

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woah, woah, WOAH... NSF has a twitter??

I checked it, not sure if this is real thing or not, but I'm following just in case. And I just sent out another email requesting an update, we'll see what they say.

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hi all-

this is my first post here...i found the forum last week thru a google search... but i have skimmed thru about the last 50 pages of this post and have a ques about the stipend that the award gives - is that intended entierly for personal / educational expenses, or should I also use it to run studies, pay ppl to be part of studies & other research related stuff, etc.?

wasn't sure about this, and i have heard some conflicting things, so thought i'd ask u all, while the board is kinda quiet before the final round of announcements are made at some point... :) thanks!

The stipend is just for personal and educational expenses. The GRFP does not give money explicitly for research, but you can apply for the NSF DDIG for that! There is a one time $1000 international travel fund associated with the GRFP, but you have to do research abroad for a few months to use it and it would MAYBE cover your airfare. Hope that helps!

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hi all-

this is my first post here...i found the forum last week thru a google search... but i have skimmed thru about the last 50 pages of this post and have a ques about the stipend that the award gives - is that intended entierly for personal / educational expenses, or should I also use it to run studies, pay ppl to be part of studies & other research related stuff, etc.?

wasn't sure about this, and i have heard some conflicting things, so thought i'd ask u all, while the board is kinda quiet before the final round of announcements are made at some point... :) thanks!

the stipend is like a regular salary- If you're the sort of person who would use your personal paycheck to fund your research then go you (I personally wouldn't, but my research could go about 3 days on the stipend I get so I don't really have to worry about that!) ! but no, I don't believe it's intended for such things. More to provide food and shelter and maybe buy you a computer or something if you need one. just whatever you'd do with a normal paycheck.

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No reply on my early morning request for a status update. I think that's a good sign - I've emailed them three times before and all three times they have been very prompt (within 2 hours) in telling me that nothing new was going on and that they know nothing. Perhaps silence means they are busy! :P

So, I think it's finally time for me to join the (no actual money) pool and make my bets on number and timing of awards.

My guess for award notification: Friday morning 4/24.

My guess for number of awards: I think they will fund another 663 awardees, or 31% of the 2100 of us in limbo, for a total of 1613 awardees this year. I know that's super optimistic, but here's my math:

According to the fiscal year '09 budget request, NSF GRFP asked for money to give out 700 more awards this year than they did in 2008. In 2008 they gave out 913 awards, so they asked for money to give out 1613 awards this year.

NSF's spending plan is divided into six categories, and GRFP falls under the category "Education and Human Resources." The appropriations were just posted here: http://www.nsf.gov/about/congress/111/h ... 9_0310.jsp (again linked from Twitter), and Education and Human Resources was actually granted 50 million^h^h^h^h^h^h^h billion MORE dollars than they asked for when congress passed the budget on March 10. Thus, I believe that GRFP will be fully funded as described in the original request - they would have no reason to NOT fund the extra 700 this year if their division got more money than they requested. I am not sure whether the appropriations here include ARRA (stimulus funds), but I THINK that they do and that is why NSF was granted more than they asked for.

I think GRFP has known they have this money, they just couldn't move to notify anyone (including call center) until the whole spending plan was approved and sent to congress, which happened today. It seems that NSF has to be very careful with ARRA funds and carefully document and update how they are using them, and so perhaps they needed more infrastructure in place before they notified more awardees. I do not think that there will be any MORE than the extra 663, though - that is, I think these numbers from March 10th are the final numbers, and that the delay is just in setting up Recovery Act infrastructure, not from getting more money than was approved on March 10th.

Well, those are my theories!

Still nobody out there from Colorado?

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Those numbers clearly don't include ARRA money.

Hmm, actually, if you look at the text of HR 1105 (Omnibus spending bill), it states that it does not include ARRA in it. So maybe congress did randomly grant NSF more money than they asked for, and then pile stimulus funds on top of that. Weird...

I still stick with my original estimate of 663 additional awards though. That is what they planned to fund and I think they will do it. I am not certain they do plan to direct any additional ARRA money to GRFP after already planning to almost double awards this year. At least, I have not seen any specific text indicating that any ARRA funds were going to GRFP, so I do stick by 663.

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that budget is before the stimulus funding, as stated by the previous poster. While NSF in that budget received more funding than requested, they actually had a shortfall of around 10 million in requested NSF GRFP funding on that budget (it's in the detailed version of the budget allocation). As the result, the extra money was alloted to the other education programs, such as STEM, and math and science initiatives. if more GRFP awards are to come, they will have to come soley from additional stimulus (AARP) funding. its a shame because congress actually chose to decrease the GRFP budget and increase the budget of other educational initiatives. Anyways, good job on the analysis nonetheless. And best of luck to you!

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that budget is before the stimulus funding, as stated by the previous poster. While NSF in that budget received more funding than requested, they actually had a shortfall of around 10 million in requested NSF GRFP funding on that budget (it's in the detailed version of the budget allocation). As the result, the extra money was alloted to the other education programs, such as STEM, and math and science initiatives. if more GRFP awards are to come, they will have to come soley from additional stimulus (AARP) funding. its a shame because congress actually chose to decrease the GRFP budget and increase the budget of other educational initiatives. Anyways, good job on the analysis nonetheless. And best of luck to you!

Where's the allocation? I couldn't find it. Thanks for clarifying!

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that budget is before the stimulus funding, as stated by the previous poster. While NSF in that budget received more funding than requested, they actually had a shortfall of around 10 million in requested NSF GRFP funding on that budget (it's in the detailed version of the budget allocation). As the result, the extra money was alloted to the other education programs, such as STEM, and math and science initiatives. if more GRFP awards are to come, they will have to come soley from additional stimulus (AARP) funding. its a shame because congress actually chose to decrease the GRFP budget and increase the budget of other educational initiatives. Anyways, good job on the analysis nonetheless. And best of luck to you!

PS... AARP? :-D

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I still stick with my original estimate of 663 additional awards though. That is what they planned to fund and I think they will do it. I am not certain they do plan to direct any additional ARRA money to GRFP after already planning to almost double awards this year. At least, I have not seen any specific text indicating that any ARRA funds were going to GRFP, so I do stick by 663.

Imagine how bad I'll feel if they award 663 more of us and I'm not one of them ..... :::sigh:::

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National Science Foundation (NSF)

Stimulus money will only fund a few new solicitations and no continuing awards; most new and

continuing awards will be funded through FY 09 regular appropriations.

Exceptions are:

? early/new investigator awards

? CAREER awards - funded for full five years

? Graduate Research Fellowships and other similar scholarship programs

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