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Immunology phD programs that do rotations


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I'm wanting to set up pre-application visits to a couple of the immunology phD programs to which I will apply. These schools do rotations the first year, and then at the end of the first year the student will choose his/her mentor. In my mind, I have two possible ways to handle this, and I'm not sure which one to choose:

1. contact 3-4 professors separately and tell them that I am interested in their research (and ask if they would meet with me)


2. contact the director of that department and ask for a visit/tour, and then ask that director if it would be possible for me to meet with a few professors

I know contacting the professors directly would be the smartest option IF that was advised, but since these schools do rotations, I'm not sure how to handle it. I am hoping to meet the last week of June because I'll be driving through those towns, so I know I have to take action soon.

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