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online msw/social work experience???

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Hey, i have a few questions...I've noticed on this forum that no one really talks about online programs. what does everyone think about them? Are they generally frowned upon in the real world? If there is a general positive connatation with them, then it might be something I highly consider (w/a hubby in the military). Although i'm not a big fan of taking classes online, it does seem like it would make life a lot easier.

My second set of questions come from the fact that I have basically zero experience with social work, it wasn't even my undergrad major, although my major of anthropology seems pretty applicable with social work. So, before applying to any grad program whatsoever, should I try and acquire a little bit of experience?? I will actually be getting my BA in the fall, and was hoping to apply for fall of 2012, is that not enough time to make myself "look good" and have a higher chance of acceptence? Thanks all!

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Hey, i have a few questions...I've noticed on this forum that no one really talks about online programs. what does everyone think about them? Are they generally frowned upon in the real world? If there is a general positive connatation with them, then it might be something I highly consider (w/a hubby in the military). Although i'm not a big fan of taking classes online, it does seem like it would make life a lot easier.

My second set of questions come from the fact that I have basically zero experience with social work, it wasn't even my undergrad major, although my major of anthropology seems pretty applicable with social work. So, before applying to any grad program whatsoever, should I try and acquire a little bit of experience?? I will actually be getting my BA in the fall, and was hoping to apply for fall of 2012, is that not enough time to make myself "look good" and have a higher chance of acceptence? Thanks all!

Speaking as someone who completed a portion of my undergraduate degree through my university’s distance education program, I would strongly advise against it. In general, I’m very skeptical of graduate programs offered entirely online. Employers are, too. There are likely some reputable social work programs online, but the person looking at your resume will not know that. They will assume you earned your degree through a diploma mill, as so many people do these days. Many schools do offer some of the MSW courses online, so if you’re looking for greater flexibility time-wise, a combination of classroom and online instruction might work for you. Social work is an area of study that is best accomplished through face to face interaction, in my opinion. If you had a BSW, I might tell you that your four-year foundation would be enough to compensate for the lack of a brick-and-mortar education. Because that’s not the case, I really urge you to consider other options.

As far as getting experience, I’m sure all of us would recommend you seek out every opportunity to do so. For one, it will definitely help your application. More importantly, it can give you the insight you need to determine whether or not social work is the right field for you. Many, many people enter the field and discover rather abruptly that they hate it. Your professors and fellow classmates will present to you a rosy portrait of your rewarding role in helping to make the world a better place, and your experience will probably not be quite so romantic. It may be downright brutal. Volunteering or interning somewhere is really the only way I can think of to even begin to understand the profession.

You also don’t mention what you want to do with a graduate degree in social work. Counseling? Teaching? Community organization? If you plan to go into clinical practice, you will definitely need to consider the accreditation of the school you choose to attend, or you may find yourself unable to obtain licensure. Good luck to you, whatever you decide to do.

Edited by spctle342
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