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Pre-Application Visit

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I'm applying to PhD programs this fall, and obviously want to do all I can to make a good impression and improve my chances of being accepted. I'm going to be meeting with a professor that I am interested in working with over Skype. I had originally wanted to visit this professor in person, but given scheduling issues and the cost of flights, we've decided to meet via Skype instead.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can prepare for this meeting?

Edited by champange dame
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I have no experience with this but I would definitely have prepared a few questions about his research, the school, and a list of things you want to say about yourself. As you don't want to risk getting nervous and having to come up with something to say during the session.

Good Luck.

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I think that some of the advice I've been given re: Skype interviews for candidates on the job market can apply here. A lot is common sense, but FWIW:

  • Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted by your dog/noisy four-year-old/drunk roommate/etc.
  • Don't forget to dress as you would for an in-person meeting. You don't need to look formal, but don't do the Skype meeting in your pajamas. (Or, at least, your top half should look presentable. ;) )
  • And just as you'll want to dress presentably, you'll want whatever's in the background to be presentable and professional as well. Consider positioning yourself in front of a blank wall.
  • Know that Skype makes things like this potentially more awkward (not to freak you out!). Use visual or verbal cues to help make things less awkward—it can sometimes be hard to tell on Skype when one person is finished speaking, so end sentences with gestures, things like, "...and so, that's what I'm interested in researching," or questions that very clearly indicate you're finished speaking.
  • Whether you were meeting in-person or on Skype, I'd definitely also recommend that you prepare a list of questions you want to ask, in addition to an outline of some talking points about yourself/your research

Good luck!

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I would suggest you read up on this professor's research. Also, be prepared to talk about your own interests and your previous experience. It's a good idea to practice an 'elevator pitch' version of who you are, so that you're not fumbling for words during the Skype chat. You should also be prepared to ask a few specific questions about the prof's research.

One of the goals of a pre-application chat like this is to see or demonstrate (if you're already convinced) how your interests and the prof's interests overlap.

Another tip: if you were the one who initiated the meeting/chat , then come prepared to lead the discussion, don't expect the prof to take charge of the conversation. If however, it was the prof that requested the meeting/Skype chat, the they would probably start off the chat and lead the discussion (at least at first).

Good luck!

Edited by newms
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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have the time and the funds.

I would say visit the key locations you would like to attend.

If accepted you will be living the next several years there for the most important stage of your liffe so-far.

You want to feel comfortable and from a womans point, safe with the area.

If you are targeting an area in the country that you would like to live long term, that may not be were you currently live, you want to get the "feel" of the region.

Depending on the level of visit or interview you can arrange, you will want to be prepared with specific questions.

The questions, should not be only about what the school can offer you in opprotunities, be prepared to emmerse yourself in the environment and what you can bring to the program.

My brother and I are close, I was very active in his visits.

Be positive, be attentive, learn about the school, the town, the culture of the university, the professor's you will interact with.

Personality match is key, do not attend somewhere just because it is higly rated, attend a quality school close to the rank of the high rank but does not feel right.

You should leave the University inspired, fired up praying you are accepted, if you do not than it is not for you.

You will have doubts and feel a little overwhelmed, that is good, that means you value the experience.

Challenge yourself, that is why we attend Grad school, to get better and be prepared for our goals.

Be prepared for relationship issues, with you BF/GF you will be challenged in ways and time constraints you can never expect.

Discuss this with your BF/GF prior to leaving for Grad school. It is tough enough starting grad school emotional strains and relationsionship issues can really effect your studies.

I hope these help, a little different take than the "questions" you should ask.

I f you are confortable with the environoment you will do your best work, it should not be a labor just to live or survive the experience.

Grad school is tough enough as it is do not make daily life a emotional drag itself.

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