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Fordham MS v U of Scranton MBA



  1. 1. Which would you pursue?

    • Fordham's MS in Bus Enterprise
    • UofScranton MBA

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Hello all,

Thank you in advance for reading this and your input, I really appreciate it.

So I've been accepted into two programs:

Fordham b-school's M.S. in Business Enterprise and University of Scranton's MBA program

Fordham's program would be 1-year full time and I'd most likely have to stop working at my current job. Scranton's, however, allows you to take it online - which means I could work during the day and do the courses at night for 2-3 yrs.

My plan is to pursue law school after I graduate from a business program.

Worst case scenario that I don't get accepted into a law school I feel that the fordham brand would help me land a decent job and put me in a good position to get an MBA from a higher ranked well known school down the line, one that would carry more weight than the MBA from U of Scranton.

I feel as if it's a battle between the Fordham name brand and the MBA degree prestige..

Any suggestions?

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What do you plan to do with the potential business degree? As you mention planning to apply to law school as a final goal. If your interested in business law than a business degree makes sense. I would also attempt to figure out which one of the degrees will help you more towards getting into law school. On a quick glance neither of these programs seem like something that will assist one greatly in getting to law school unless you have a specific interest in business law.

Of the two if I had to make a choice I would pick Fordham as they are likely to have a career services office that can assist you in finding a good job with the degree. Unless you already have a job which makes that point moot - especially if it will pay for the Scranton degree. As with an online MBA one likely does not have as easy access to a career services office or to networking opportunities that come with taking classes with others. (Also check if Scranton's online MBA says you earned it online when you get the degree as I would imagine that online MBA's have slightly less prestige. Naturally I have no idea on that one in reality.)

Good Luck.

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Hi! I'm not sure of what future you are working toward (stay in business? go to law school? get a master's degree now and MBA later?), so it's difficult to weigh in on whether Fordham or Scranton is better for you.

I can tell you that both my husband and I attended Scranton for undergrad a few years ago and loved it. After a few years in business, my husband got his MBA at nearby Wilkes University and is now beginning the Duquesne School of Law (a path similar to your proposal). The admissions officer we spoke to at Duquesne seemed to highly respect the University of Scranton, and I know of many success stories from friends who have attended or are attending the MBA program at Scranton. A side note regarding the above poster's concerns about career placement: the Career Services Office at the U is fabulous and will provide assistance to any U of S graduate.

Ultimately, if your goals are to go to law school, I'd suggest spending some serious time preparing for the LSAT, as that score seems to be a substantial determining factor in admissions decisions. Many law schools don't even consider your education beyond undergrad.

Good luck with your decision. Either way, you'll be attending a fine Jesuit institution! Again, best of luck!

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