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MA in Eastern Christian Studies


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I'm a current M.Div whose studies have been all over the Comparative Religion sphere. I currently have a History of Christianity focus, especially on Christian history in the medieval west. However, I am particularly interested in Eastern Christianity, especially post the Patristics era, which is when most programs seem to stop studying the East! I am contemplating the possiblity of getting a second MA with a greater focus on the Christian East, but on top of the issue of finding such programs, there is the serious lack of funding.

The main insitutions I know of are either seminaries, such as Holy Cross in Brookline, St Vladimir's Seminary, or the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute in Berkeley - none of which have much funding - or are in the UK, and so not much chance of getting decent funding for an American. Is there anywhere else out there I should be aware of?

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There is a program at Oxford titled oriental studies and under the department they have a field of eastern Christianity. Also, Regis college and St. Micheal's, which are a part of the Toronto school of Theology have eastern Christianity diplomas and concentrations. Another place in Canada which is called Saint Paul University. Good luck in your studies.

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You might also want to look at Notre Dame's "Early Christian Studies" MA. We have Joseph Amar, a Syriac scholar, and Robin Darling Young, who also deals in the East. If by "Eastern" you mean Greek, then of course we have Brian Daley who has written quite a lot about the East as well as Blake Leyerle who is an expert on Chrysostom.

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