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Application Essay Questions


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One of my applications has three essay questions in place of a statement of purpose.

Here are the questions:

1) What are your vocational objectives and how will your proposed plan of graduate study relate to them? (The response to this essay is your "Personal Statement.")

2) Within your major field, are there areas of special interest to you? Please explain.

3) Are there special circumstances related to your academic record that you feel we should know about? Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If the answer is yes, explain the circumstances, give the dates of the offense(s) and discuss what you learned from the circumstance.

The thing about this is, each question has a size limit of "32,000 characters or about 6 pages." The issue I'm having is that for questions 2 and 3, I'm having trouble coming up with more than a paragraph. Is it bad if my essay questions come in way under the size limit? I know most people don't come close to using all the space, but is one paragraph too little for #2 and 3? Should I try to adjust my answers so that they are in the ever popular opening paragraph, 3 paragraph body, closing paragraph structure?

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I ended up doing the standard five paragraph on #1, a paragraph on #2, and I used the #3 as a chance to talk about some issues with my academic record (I had a terrible first year and then bounced back the rest of the way).

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