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Keeping in touch?

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So, I applied to a university last fall, and my application was declined. However, I still kept up a dialogue with my POI, and I recently met her and her grad students and toured the lab she's the director of. I haven't talked to her since then, and I was wondering if I should send her an email or something to stay in touch or if I should just get in touch with her later this fall.

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So, I applied to a university last fall, and my application was declined. However, I still kept up a dialogue with my POI, and I recently met her and her grad students and toured the lab she's the director of. I haven't talked to her since then, and I was wondering if I should send her an email or something to stay in touch or if I should just get in touch with her later this fall.

So you're planning on applying again for the spring admissions cycle? Or next fall? If I were you I'd email her with some sort of update on my stats or experience or ask about what I can do to improve upon my application. I mean I suppose you can just drop her a line confirming your continued interest in the program, if you're applying for spring admissions it might be a good idea to do that in the near future so your name stays fresh in her mind. Maybe when you get into the application process let her know that you'll submitting soon so she knows to be aware of you and how serious you are. Something along those lines. I'm going for a professional degree so I don't have any POIs but while I was on the waitlist at my top choice I emailed the program coordinator to simply reaffirm my commitment, not sure how much good it did, but I had nothing to loose and I got in. Who knows, maybe knowing that I'd accept their offer helped them choose me over someone else who didn't send in that email....ya just never know.

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Thanks! I'm applying for fall of 2012 since this program's structure doesn't allow for spring admissions. I'm about to start overhauling my entire application, so that means I'm planning on redoing my CV, SOP, retaking the GRE, so do you think I should email those to her along the way and ask for her input?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! I'm applying for fall of 2012 since this program's structure doesn't allow for spring admissions. I'm about to start overhauling my entire application, so that means I'm planning on redoing my CV, SOP, retaking the GRE, so do you think I should email those to her along the way and ask for her input?

Hmmm, see I definitely would send one of those, like your CV, if you have something relevant to add to it. If you really rework your SOP and believe that you've communicated your goals and interests more clearly then I suppose that would be a good thing to send her so she could tell if that's more in line with the program. Not so sure if the GRE would be helpful, but I really think that if you're making significant changes and you have a line of communication open with her then you should take advantage of it. Wait though until you're really satisfied with the finished product, I would choose one, either the SOP or CV and send it only once, anymore than that and I think that would be getting a little pushy.

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