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MFA programs with funding?


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Some very strong MFA programs have big price tags. But I wonder if there are any quality programs out there that offer more funding than others. Does anyone have any insight? I'd appreciate it.

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I have the same question. From searching on this site, it seems like painting/traditional media gets some funding, but I've yet to find funding comments about non-traditional/conceptual programs.

Also, I am wondering about some good schools with facilities for video/animation/mixed media? It seems like you only get a personal studio as a graduate student if you're a painter? Could be completely wrong, I'm still doing a lot of research.

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Yeah, I have been reading a lot of previous threads in this forum too. In general, it seems that for funding you should look at public schools instead of private ones? Tuition will be cheaper at least. In california most of the UC schools offer good funding.

I just got my copy of the CAA's grad school guide if anyone has a specific school they want to hear about.

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The CAA guide is not published annually. The current version came out two years ago. Still a wealth of information.

The strategy for grad school is: apply to a range of schools, including fall-backs and very ambitious. Then see who gives you the best deal. I always ended up going with my fallbacks, and it all worked out. No student loans, no debt.

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