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Math at Harris

Joe S.

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Hello Everyone,

I am going to be a student at the Harris school coming up in the fall and I was curious as to how difficult the mathematics in the curriculum would be? I am from a liberal arts background and I don't know how demanding the curriculum is for people that aren't as strong quantitatively. I'd eventually like to venture into consulting or investment banking which is why I chose the program.


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Harris grad here. There are many students who enter the program with minimal quantitative backgrounds. The required courses for the MPP do not require all that much math, although facility with algebra and basic calculus is certainly helpful in the statistics and economics core sequences. All that you need in this regard can be acquired in math camp. The best advice I can offer is to 1) prepare for math camp by brushing up on algebra and pre-calculus/calculus (any basic text should suffice); and 2) pay close attention and work hard during math camp. If you do this, you should be able to pass the math qualifying exam at the end of math camp, irrespective of your formal quantitative background.

The Harris program offers a number of more heavily quantitative courses for those who are so inclined, but these are optional.

In short, if you do a little bit of studying beforehand and apply yourself during math camp, you should be fine.

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  • 5 months later...

1) Neither investment banking nor consulting requires math beyond basic financial calculations. The only exception might be economic consulting firms, which tend to use regression analysis and econometrics more so than management consulting firms.

2) If you want to go into consulting or investment banking, why are you going to a public policy school?

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