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PoliSci 2008-2009 Cycle


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And the Michigan rejection is official! Now that I'm scratching this itch, I'm seriously considering contacting the other programs I'm waiting on, too. Should I do it?

You can be the one who contacts UNC!! Excellent plan!!

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Still waiting away, though as you can see from my signature, I'm assuming no news is bad news at this point. After reading back over the results for 2008 and 2007, it seems like the NW department is one of those lovely ones that leaves rejects (aka their unofficial wait-list) hanging forever. Maybe I'm wrong (it's happened exactly once before), as I'm not too skilled at the game of speculation we've all been engaged in for the past month.

In other news, I'm a total glutton for punishment. I finally decided to contact the department at Michigan to receive my rejection definitively. I emailed and they haven't responded back yet, but I figured a rejection would be a fine way to start the week!

Yeah, at this point I'm assuming the news from Northwestern is bad as well. It's hard to be sure though since their Web site tells applicants not to expect decisions till early March. I don't really understand what the hold-up is with letting people know they're rejected. Isn't the whole point of an online application system to "facilitate communication?"

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Alright folks. I emailed UNC and worded the email in fairly general terms in the interest of getting information that is applicable to you all as well. Fwiw, we had a bunch of snow in NC overnight, so that might impact how quickly I get a response. UNC only had a delay, but the roads are likely pretty nasty (we really, really don't know how to handle snow in this state) so there's always a chance that the grad coordinator isn't in today.

I'm not sure there's any point in contacting NW at this point since several people did late last week and were told to expect online decisions this week. I doubt they'd tell me anything different if I contact them now.

What about Minnesota? Anyone have any news from there? We saw a couple of acceptances, but no other news since.

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Wow. Got the response from UNC already. They're still determining how many offers they can make (translation: they're still fighting with the grad school to get funding for more students). They hope to know more by the end of next week. Holy cow, I'm going to have a coronary before then.

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Wow. Got the response from UNC already. They're still determining how many offers they can make (translation: they're still fighting with the grad school to get funding for more students). They hope to know more by the end of next week. Holy cow, I'm going to have a coronary before then.

Hey, tip of the hat to you for contacting them for the rest of us! Thanks!!

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I just received a blank email from Vanderbilt. I'm assuming they forgot to cut-and-paste my rejection into the body of the letter.

(It just says, "Dear Mr. DrRockso", then a "Sincerely, Dennis G, Hall, PhD")

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Of course, calling the grad school gets me transferred to the poli sci dept, calling the poli sci dept gets me transferred to the grad school.

I'm putting this one down as another rejection. My signature is starting to look like a fucking bloodbath. (My third LOR never sent his letter to Brown, either...whoof.)

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For those of you who contacted the school about your status, how did you phrase it? Did you talk to the poli sci dept or the grad school? And did you tend to ask about you or just about when notices were going out/notice status?

I'm contemplating calling two of my schools to find out, but am having problems figuring out how not to sound desperate.lol

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For those of you who contacted the school about your status, how did you phrase it? Did you talk to the poli sci dept or the grad school? And did you tend to ask about you or just about when notices were going out/notice status?

I'm contemplating calling two of my schools to find out, but am having problems figuring out how not to sound desperate.lol

At the places I've contacted, I've always talked to a graduate secretary, or other administrative person. I'm pretty sure these people have nothing to do with any decisions, so sounding desperate isn't really an issue. Even so, I made sure to apologize for bothering them and joked about all of the questions they must be getting from overzealous grad applicants. They've all been really friendly and helpful.

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For those of you who contacted the school about your status, how did you phrase it? Did you talk to the poli sci dept or the grad school? And did you tend to ask about you or just about when notices were going out/notice status?

I'm contemplating calling two of my schools to find out, but am having problems figuring out how not to sound desperate.lol

I hate talking to people on the phone, so I emailed the graduate coordinator for the department in both cases. When I emailed Michigan (who I knew had already sent out all decisions except, apparently, mine), I simply asked if they would be willing to communicate my status to me via email because I knew that other people had received decisions via Wolverine Access or postal mail and I had not heard anything through either of these media. When I emailed UNC (where no one really knew what was going on), I apologized for contacting them at a busy time, but asked if they could tell me where they were in the process. I didn't ask for my status.

Other people on this board have contacted departments, too, so hopefully they'll come out of the woodwork and give you some advice as well!

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There's another Brown admit on the results database... this one was notified on the 26th! Starting to think that everyone who got in, got in last week...

Hold fast, best of men. Those two appear to be non-domestic applicants; perhaps they are notifying them first.

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Got the response from UNC already. They're still determining how many offers they can make (translation: they're still fighting with the grad school to get funding for more students). They hope to know more by the end of next week.

By the end of next week? They might as well say they'll tell us on Foreveruary never-teenth.

EDIT: Thanks for checking on it, though, aria.

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By the end of next week? They might as well say they'll tell us on Foreveruary never-teenth.

Amen. My anxiety had abated considerably in the past week as I'd pretty much resigned myself to the likelihood that I wasn't going to get in anywhere else. Now, though, I can feel my blood pressure elevating by the second and the ulcer that had begun developing in my stomach has emerged from dormancy. Next Friday is a LONG way away (and another @#$%ing Friday the 13th, I might add)!

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Yeah, even with Hiskey being CC'd, I'm assuming this is an attempt by Vandy at the mass-rejection phase of contacting students.

Conditional admit usually means the department has admitted you, and now they're waiting for the grad school to rubber-stamp the acceptance. Bureaucracy in action at the big state schools!

Ha, thanks for reminding me to check the website, hondo19. My status at UMass is 'accepted' --as of Feb 27th. No word on funding yet.

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