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Penn History Sociology of Science Program


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I just received notification (on 12/24) that I have an interview at UPenn for the History Sociology of Science PhD program. I am absolutely ecstatic -- and terrified : ) -- anyone have any knowledge about what the on campus interview entails, and how best to prepare myself?


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I have no idea about your question, but I just wanted to pop in and say that I applied there as well. I submitted just before the deadline, and the online app. still says they're waiting on my transcript and such... I hope everything is floating around the admissions office somewhere. :?

If you don't mind, when did you submit your app? Also, good luck!

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No need to fear doom yet! I'm sure that things will pick back up after the winter break. Either way, I'll be sure to update on the interview. And let me know what else you hear from Hist of Sci programs -- I haven't founded many fellow applicants around here. :)

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Talked to a couple of people at Penn today. Apparently I sent my materials to the Graduate Division and not the Department. The Coordinator said it should have gone directly to the dept, which is weird, considering the main admissions/'apply now' in huge letters page says pretty specifically that it goes through Grad Div first. Hoping that it gets sorted out and they consider my application along with the others... I'm still really freaked out that they've already offered interviews and my application hasn't even gotten there yet. I can't be the only one to have this problem though, so maybe everything will be ok. :|

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Good thing you called! I'm sure they'll find an interview spot for you -- I doubt they are all filled up yet.

If you don't mind me asking, what other programs are you considering? I'm excited to meet someone else interested in similar programs!

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thanks for the encouragement :)

I applied to Penn (of course), Yale, Wisconsin-Madison, Harvard, Minnesota-Twin Cities, and a 1 year MA in the history of medicine at University College London. I'm interested in focusing on women's health history.

What about you? Any more overlap? It is strangely fascinating to hear about other people applying to this sort of thing!

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Very cool -- I'm applying for Yale and Harvard as well, and a few master's programs (Cambridge, LSE, Stanford). I'm interested in the adoption of technology in American homes, as well as some other related (human-machine boundaries) and not-so-related (history of psychology/psychiatry) topics. I think it's all pretty fun :)

It's pretty crazy how small the field it -- I was looking at Yale's stats and saw that only 32 people applied to the program last year (compared to 300+ for the regular History program). Sadly, I don't think that makes our chances of getting in any better...

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  • 1 month later...

To the one who interviewed at Penn. Have you received your admissions decision yet?

I also interviewed there and have yet to hear word back. I know they do their admits visit day in mid-march....and some people have reported decisions on the results board. I calculated that they were interviewing 10-12 (combined info that they had 3-4 visit each visit day and apparently they had three). Told us they wanted four to enroll.

Any update you might know would be great!

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Hi carebear86,

I'm sorry to hear you are still waiting...I got in last Thursday (phone call and email). They mentioned that there were putting some people on a waitlist, and that they hadn't contacted them yet. I think rejections have gone out, so if you haven't heard, maybe that's good news? I'm not really sure... Best best best of luck! I'll have my fingers crossed for you!

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