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Web Still Reporting Missing Documents


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UW was still showing that I was missing 2 transcripts, which should have been sent in late December. (Other transcripts I ordered at the same time had shown up at other schools so I knew something was awry.) Finally I emailed and asked if the transcripts had really not been received.

I was told that no, they actually hadn't received them, but it didn't really matter. These were the transcripts for my freshman/sophomore years which she said were less crucial. In fact, my file was already in review. :D She said if those two transcripts turned out to be important in the process, she'd contact me and I could do a rush order, but it probably wouldn't matter.

I wish there were an icon for breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. :)

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I think you should DEFINITELY call to confirm if the website shows missing documents at this point. I just called one uni last night about this, and the secretary said, no, they hadn't received my stuff blah blah blah... I looked up the tracking number, found who signed for it, and 15 minutes later she had found it. Otherwise I would have been screwed.

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Get this: I applied online to the Kennedy School of Gov't at Harvard. Somehow, they lost my statement of purpose.

I'll say that again. I submitted my SOP online with the rest of my application. They received the rest of my application. They did not receive my SOP.

*insert expletive of your choice*

If you are from Harvard and reading this, please still accept me. If you do, all hard feelings will be forgotten.

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Update: just this morning they added this text...

I'm glad I didn't bug them. Sounds like a lot of other people did :D

Update: Ok, it's been over 3 weeks and my materials status has not changed. I've called them MANY times today and keep getting a machine that says call back later. $%@&!

I noticed that decisions weren't made until March last year... maybe the grad school has a history of being sssssllllloooowwww getting materials together and sent to the departments.

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I need to call one of my schools tomorrow or Monday to ask if they got my transcripts...the deadline was Feb. 1, so they may not have been sorting materials for long, but the post office says were delivered December 22 so if they're lost in the office by this point, they may be REALLY lost.

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Update: Ok, it's been over 3 weeks and my materials status has not changed. I've called them MANY times today and keep getting a machine that says call back later. $%@&!

Double Update: I keep getting that machine, so I emailed the department earlier - no response yet. I finally just got through the to grad school, and she said that they scan everything and send it to the dept as soon as it's received and the website is updated very last. She could confirm that they had my transcript and one LOR. I tried to ask about the others but she insisted that the sociology department should have them. I told her that I emailed the department but hadn't heard back yet, and she interrupted me to say "and you probably won't hear back." Real nice, lady. (I know she's busy tho - I forgive her.)

Edit: This is UMass Amherst, btw.

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Yeah, I called too just now. I got through a prerecorded menu to a message that they're not doing status reports on applications right now due to volume, and we need to wait at least 10 working days and check online again before calling. That actually makes me feel better...if things are missing, there's nothing I can do about it right now!

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UC Irvine never got one of my letters of recommendation...they were listed as "not received" but the program said not to e-mail about document receipt until February 1st. So I did, and they confirmed that it wasn't in my file, or anywhere else for that matter. I'm pretty sure the professor sent out, because all of my other schools received it. So I e-mailed the professor and asked him if he wouldn't mind resending it...he's a good guy, so he agreed. However, he's not a tech person, so he wanted to snail mail it...from Montreal. Now I'm scared it's going to get caught at the border and my application status is "waiting for supplemental documents", and the program deadline was January 15th. Head, meet desk.

Also, it's great fun to have programs that don't have an online tracking system...I have to e-mail Washington to ask if they got the snail-mailed letter, and UBC to make sure they got anything at all...aahrgh. I would rather leave them alone and not e-mail them at all because I don't want to seem annoying, but at the same time I don't want my application held up/to miss funding opportunities.

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...aaand UBC is missing a letter from the SAME professor...something tells me he only mailed out the letters for programs with earlier deadlines (despite telling me he mailed them ALL out). and I reallyreallyreally want funding at UBC and am just so frustrated that that application is not complete - I REALLY THOUGHT that since all the profs said they got my stuff out by mid-january (last one mailed stuff like jan 19th), this application would be complete.

And he (the prof) hasn't answered my additional e-mail asking him to re-send the UBC letter...but I really hope he can get it out today or tomorrow...I really don't want to be seen as a pest, but I'm going to have to contact him again if I don't hear by Friday from either him or UBC that the letter got there, because I"m just running out of time.

So far I have not had one application that has not had a LOR issue.

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Oh dear...I hear you, I've had an amazing number of LoR issues...could you convince UBC and your professor to email the letter on grounds that it'll only take a few minutes, and can be done right away?

In my "missing documents" news, I got an email from one school with a Feb. 1 deadline (the one that wouldn't do status checks last week) saying they were missing an LoR and my SoP, but if I sent those I shouldn't worry, they probably just haven't been processed yet. Those documents were sent in late January, whereas everything else was in by late December, so I suspect they're just in a pile of unopened stuff...my question is, given that this school won't forward uncompleted applications to departments, at what point do I worry and resend things? I'm thinking I should wait another week.

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I emailed a school asking if all my materials were complete...Apparently, they did not receive my TOEFL scores which I took way back in August! Ugh!

One of the school I applied to have not yet received my TOEFL scores by now. I took the test last October two weeks before I took GRE; they have already received this one, I do not understand. what should I do? And in the online status check, the same school stated they have not yet received some of my transcripts, although I have sent all my transcripts in one envelope, strange!!

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