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Hi guy,

this is my first time posting on this forum. i just graduate from Georgetown with a MA in Communication and am currently applying to poli sci PHD programs.

I understand that most schools state that decisions are sent out in the first two weeks of March. but I am just wondering if anyone here knows when one can expect to hear decisions. i heard that some people say about late Feb being the time to hear from schools. is there some sort of early admission? are there rounds? (the waiting is just painful...)

thanks a lot! and best of luck to u guys too.



At the top of this page, click on Results Search. There, you can search for the schools and programs you have applied to in order to see when they have sent out acceptances/rejections last year.


The results page is school specific. You can also check my post under "Waiting it Out" from this morning. I just completed a quantitative analysis of this this morning. It is posted under "I Must Be Obsessed..."


My sense is that December deadline files are being sifted through now. The non-reviewable applications are being thrown out -- those lacking, for instance, a letter of recommendation or two or a transcript.


it probably varies somewhat, but FWIW, I heard back from most schools by mid-February last year. they started pouring in once the first one came, it seemed. that's about right for most of my friends and former co-applicants, as well. I'll try to summarize what I've learned from our collective experiences:

* acceptances certainly seem to come by a certain point in the month (February) so that plans for visit weekends can be finalized, though I'm sure they continue into March for some schools

* rejections are all over the board. some schools send them sooner and some drag it out, though if I remember correctly, online/e-mail notifications tended to come more quickly than letters.

* this is definitely not true of non-US schools, particularly those with deadlines that aren't until February or so; I was still hearing back from them in March and even April

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