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Today I got notice from one school that my application was complete and going to be reviewed by the admissions committee... not sure if that counts! But at least I know what's going on :) That leaves four mysteries.


I recieved an "Interview request" e-mail from Vanderbilt University yesterday (Spanish PhD). I am really happy about it, yet I am also nervous: what else do they want to know?! What am I supposed to tell them?!!

It is going to be a phone interview, but I have no idea if it is going to be in Spanish or English.

Anyway, saludes a todos y mucha suerte con las solicitudes!!

PS: I am seriously considering about buying a new phone just for this call, so I don't get any noise interference or anything.


As far as the interview questions, I've been wondering the same thing!! Are they going to ask really complicated grammar questions, or make the student give a detailed account of their research interests, even though we're supposed to be somewhat flexible at this point... ??? Are they just going to ask personal questions?

And yes, I would REALLY like to know if it's going to be held in Spanish. Not that it matters significantly - and in the case that I get an interview (hopefully!) I will most assuredly by preparing in both languages, but it's just one more variable that is driving me slightly loopy.

Bueno me tengo que ir a dormirme. Esto no puedo soportar por mucho m


I've been told the interviews center more on your research interests and the type of work you've done before. My friends tell me to be ready to talk about my SoP and to have some possible dissertation topics ready. Good luck!!


Hola todos and thank you very much for your comments. I still don't know the language of the interview or the date. They said "next few days"... and I could write a dissertation on all the possible meanings and interpretations I've found about it. I'll keep you posted with any useful info I can get.

In the mean time, I found this page with frequent questions during grad interviews.

http://gradschool.about.com/od/intervie ... tquest.htm

Most of them are silly, though, so I will most certainly follow your advise and strenghten the academic background and review the SoP.

Thanks a lot, y mucha suerte!


Hola todos,

I just had the phone interview, and these are my impressions (I hope you find them useful). It was my first time in an interview like this ever, so I was nervous. Overall, I don't think I did bad, but I feel I could have done better.

I was not expecting their call so soon, and it caught me a little bit off guard, so I was nervous. A knot formed in my throat and I had to ask them if they could please call me back in a few minutes. Otherwise they would have thought they were speaking with the priest from the Exorcist III (my voice was that rusty).

In any case, the professor I talked to was great, she was very kind and profesional. I had feared they were going to rip me appart with questions about my essay, but instead they wanted me to develop a few points about the statement of purpose. Specifically they asked about my research plans during the PhD. They also wanted to know why I was interested in their department. I am familiar with the work of some of the professors there, and I had recently re-checked the dissertation subjects of the graduating students (most department post this online), and all this helped. The interview lasted 30 minutes; it started in Spanish and, at her request, we switched to English. Finally I asked a couple questions about their program and their funding options (it is good indeed to have these prepared, thanks for the tip).

As I said, I dont think I was terrible, but I know I could have done better. Anyway, I hope you find this useful, and once again saludes a todos. Like italians say, in bocca al lupo!! (good luck).


Hmmm started off in Spanish, eh? Sounds like they want to catch you as off-guard as possible! Haha. Well that's great for you; congrats! I hope it bodes well. Did they ask you to elaborate on anything in your SOP besides your research plans and why you were interested in their program? Anything weird or personal?

You mentioned one professor; was it somebody you mentioned wanting to work with in your SOP? Did she offer you a visit or anything like that?

Muchas gracias por la informaci


Hola a tod@s!

Tambien he aplicado a varias universidades y todavia no tengo ninguna noticia, ni una peticion de entrevista. Estoy volviendo loca abriendo y mirando Email cada minuto.

Muchas gracias por compartir la experiencia de entrevista. Espero que tengan buena notica tod@s!


Hola ninasiesta,

Suerte con las solicitudes! Sigamos esperando... la parte mas dificil de todo esto! Pense que despues de tomar el GRE, todo seria por lo menos un poco mas facil. Pero ya veo que no es asi!

Bueno, nos tenemos que apoyar. :) A ver lo que pasa!


Hola lylek,

Hoy una de las unis me ha mandado un Email que todavia no tiene mi transcripts(que ya hace un mes habia mandado al Graduate School :oops: ). Es Upenn. Creo que es muy lento el proceso, tambien parece que hay muchos candidatos. Tambien me han informado que van a revisar las aplicaciones en esta semana, y el resultado vendra en marzo.

Espero que nos vengan buenas noticias!


Ay que mal! Si, casi tuve que re-mandar los GRE scores a Columbia, pero luego me dijeron que los tenian y simplemente necesitaron ponerlos en mi archivo. Pues. A esperar! He visto dos respuestas en la pagina de results - una de la entrevista mencionada por arriba (de Vanderbilt) y otra de aceptacion (de Pittsburgh). Asi que no he solicitado estos programas... todavia me quedo con dudas.

^_^ Para mantener la cordura, leo sobre la historia de Espana, la literatura medieval, etc. para preparar. I should really be writing my thesis, but procrastination is my weakness.


Hola lylek,

Era yo, the pittsburgh! T_T

My first Admission!

Anoche recibi la carta via Email de la uni, voy a hacer entrevista con el director la semana que viene.

I didn't sleep at all last night. :lol:


Bueno, felicidades!!! Cual era la fecha para entregar la solicitud? Puede que fuera mas temprano que las otras universidades, y por eso ya terminan con las desiciones...

Que la entrevista te vaya muy bien! Mucha suerte! Y gracias por la informacion.


Gracias! :)

Es que el deadline era 15 de enero y entregue mi aplicacion en el ultimo momento. Era la ultima uni que aplique, asi que el resultado vino muy temprano inesperadamente.


Hola todos,

que bueno ver que el forum crece!!! Para mi es un alivio poder compartir con ustedes esta espera tan dificil.

Acabo de recibir buenas noticias: email de UPENN en el que me invitan al admissions weekend del 12 al 15 de febrero. I am very very very happy.

However, those days are going to be crazy for me: I live in Colombia (South America), I have to go to Philadelphia for the interview, and I have to be in Yemen (Arabic Peninsula) by wednesday 18. I feel like a latino version of Phileas Fogg :D

Fortunately, I have some air-miles, because UPENN is certainly not going to pay for any of these ticktes.

Anyway, I am really happy!!

On another subject, I got another call from Vanderbilt... for a second phone interview. I talked with a different teacher this time who had read my essay closely and had many specific questions, which were really well thought and difficult. They called me on my cellphone, I was at a friend's house at the moment and my friend didn't turn off the vacuum cleaner during the whole call... not cool from his part at all... but I already got even, Vendetta is my middle name :P

The conversation was very interesting, and I believe you might find the subject useful: The essay I presented has to do with Vladimir Propp, and it is very specific about its "marco teorico". One of the main concerns the professor had, was if my plans for the doctoral studies were limited by this theoric line, or if I was open to take this author as starting point. I answered I was open to new perspectives. As with the first call, I was very nervous I don't think I did very well, but I am posting this because I've seen a number of forums about the "limits of your marco teorico" subject and I believe this experience might add: In the essay I was really specif about "el marco teorico", in the SoP I hinted other alternatives, and I tried to be as open minded as possible during the interview. This combination has given me some good results this far and I hope you might find it useful (or at least give you something to think about while we wait for our nerves to finally collapse).

Anyway, les deseo a todos la mejor suerte, les mando un abrazo fuerte, y seguiremos en contacto.


Hola Acceptedwannabe,

Tambien recibi el mismo Email de UPENN! Acabo de ver tu comentario y que casualidad! A mi me han ofrecido $500 por el vuelo, pero vivo en Corea del Sur y creo que es imposible irme alli, por el dinero. Me han dicho que si no puedo visitarles, van a organizar una entrevista de video. Ojala tengamos buenas noticias de UPENN! Y muchas gracias por la informacion compartida.

Como no soy nativa de ninguno de dos idioma, estoy nerviosa esperando entrevista. Por lo menos con la informacion que he leido aqui intento preparar bien.


Hi Niniasiesta,

Congrats for UPENN!!! Es increible que el espanol no sea tu lengua natal, a juzgar por lo que has escrito en este blog, tu manejo del idioma es MUY bueno. Seria muy interesante poder estudiar con personas como tu, que maravilla que alguien de Corea del Sur este interesada en la literatura hispanica! En que te especializas?

En todo caso, creo que voy a poder ir al interview weekend. Logre conseguir un tiquete con descuento, asi que si todo sale bien, alla estare.

Te mando un abrazo fuerte, nos mantendremos en contacto y mucha suerte (estoy seguro que te va a ir muy bien).

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