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I've had it up to HERE with my program...


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I need to vent.

I got accepted into a M.S. speech pathology program at my dream school this last spring, but was told I'd need to defer a year to finish up some prereqs--which I chose to complete at their school. Okay, no big deal. But this whole thing has just turned into a nightmare. The advisers in the department are rude, unavailable, etc. None of my questions get answered. They offer no information. I've been all across campus meeting with different admissions staff, and no one seems to really know the process for prereq students (getting financial aid was even more of a nightmare). I've had to guess and probe my whole way through this situation, have missed deadlines, etc. No one seems interested in me, they just get annoyed like I bother them too much. I've seriously called my department's admissions counselor like fifteen times. Now I've been told I need to redo the entire grad application process. Seriously? I am so sick of this place. I feel like I made a huge mistake. I am so anxious and stressed out. Has this happened to anyone else? Am I just not being independent enough? I'm having such a hard time gauging/analyzing the situation because I get so emotional about it....

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Yeah, if the school's that disorganized and rude, it might be good to reevaluate if that's really where you want to go. It doesn't sound like a good environment in the department, and unless you think those problems would go away upon actually becoming an MS student, I'd say look elsewhere.

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Who actually signed the letter suggesting the year of prereqs? My suggestion would be to go to them, but I'm sure you already have. It seems like a frustrating situation. I've been in programs where you feel like what is promised is not what you get. It really bites, there is no way around it.

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If this is a school with a big name or "Ivy League", don't be surprised. That is the standard treatment.

Look for a different school. It will be worth it. West Coast schools tend to be more relaxed and collaborative. And they can still carry the "prestige" you are looking for. I would say education comes first. Don't worry about prestige. You can earn your own prestige through the quality of the work you do.

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