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Do I have a chance


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Dear all,

I just discovered this forum, and i already gathered a number of useful information. However,

i am still kind of unsure about the my chances. I would be extremely greatful for any feedback.


Type of Undergrad: BA in Applied Economics (an unknown state university in Central Eastern Europe)

Undergrad GPA: Econ: 4.58/5

Type of Grad: MA Economics (in a regionally known private university in CEE )

Undergrad GPA: Econ: 3.59

GRE: 790Q, 640V, 4.5 AW

Math Courses: Multivariate Calculus (2 semesters), Dynamic Sytems-- both with not-so-nice grades

Stats Courses (grad): Econometrics I, II, Intermediate, Advanced I, II - the whole PHD sequence offered by the Econ dept. (all A-s except for Advanced I with B)

Econ Courses (grad): Pretty much everything (Micro I,II, Macro I,II, Trade) with mostly A-s

Pol sci. Courses (grad): Voting behavior (A), Political Economics (A), Positive political Theory (A), Pol Psychology (pending)

Letters of Recommendation: One from a fairly well known Econometrics Prof (was my supervisor, phd Michigan) one from a senior pol sci professor (I tokk two corses with him) and one assistant prof (fairly strong LOR)- they all have supposedly good connections

Research Experience: Junior researcher for two projects kind of unrelated to my interests in the major Research Institute in my country, one publication in a local peer reviewed paper, a Revise and Resubmit at Electoral Studies, some other research papers with respective conference talks, member of a university based research group in pol behavior

Teaching Experience: Some TA- in undergrad, adjunct lecturer in a local business school for 2 years (teaching economics)

Research Interests: Political Economy, Political Behavior (and Pol Psychology), Quant Methods

Applying to: NYU, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Harvard, and MIT for Polsci and Stanford GSB, Harvard KSG for PolEcon Phd + Caltech Social Sciences as a bonus

How far fetched these plans are? What schools should i include?

thanks a lot !!!

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What? Why would you include Hopkins on that list? Columbia and (less so) Brown make sense, but why Hopkins?

Bauhaus seems like someone applying to only IVY leagues so I wanted to politely remind her of the other schools so she could apply there too lol. I'm a scientist...I know alittle more than a 7yr old when it comes to picking out schools that have good pol science departments.

I saw an incomplete list and tried to complete it ...I didnt plan on making sense...lol

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What kinds of schools do you suggest? I m searching for safety options that have faculty & course concentration in methods and/or pol econ and/or behavior...

Aso, i d prefer a uni situated in a larger city...

Any ideas?

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