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asking for a letter of recommendation


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I sent an email to one of my professors telling about my research interests and asked for an appointment 2 weeks ago. But she hasn't replied back yet. I got two of her classes and I believe she has been positive about my academic skills.

(I thought asking for letter of recommendation via e-mail wouldn't be nice so I asked for an appointment to discuss my research interests.)

She doesn't have office hours and in her webpage it is written that email is the best way to contact her. The deadlines are close, winter break began a week ago and before Christmas I want to learn if she is willing to write a LOP.

Should I go, knock her door and ask in person or would that be rude?

Can you give me some advice on this?

Please help

Thank you

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Go knock on her door and ask if she has a moment, imo. Just be polite, and if she doesn't have time see if you can pencil something in then. Just mention that you had sent her an e-mail and hadn't heard back, and since you were around you thought you'd swing by.

Also, this thread is in the wrong forum- you might ask one of the mods to move it to the Letters of Rec subforum.

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