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Some questions for you - more for you to think about than answer, although of course you can answer them here if you want.

Why did you apply for the MA? Why communications? Is it the subject you're studying now that makes you sick of studying, that makes you respond with "to hell with it"? Or is it studying iself, or the amount of it? Why do you expect the communications MA to be a relief from what you're experiencing now?

If your goal is a PhD in communications, you need to look into those and see what the requirements are - you mentioned the GRE and journalism experience; what else do the programmes you're interested in look for in applicants? Do they usually have a masters?

No-one here can tell you whether you're likely to get into either the MA or the PhD. I, myself, am an advocate of doing other things (working, travelling, etc) between undergrad and grad school, though not everyone would agree with me. The advantage is you can do things to make yourself more competitive as an applicant, you can see more of what the world has to offer (important if you've spent almost all your life in an educational insitution and are planning to spend a large part of the remainder there also), and you can figure out exactly what you want.

You've already applied, yes? So there really isn't anything else to do. You'll find out, eventually, whether you got in. On these boards, there are a lot of us whose mental health has declined somewhat by the combination of applying and waiting. I don't know you, of course, and this is based on your one post in this thread, but you seem to be beyond that in terms of anxiety and stress. Maybe I'm misreading, or maybe you're using hyperbole, but if not, I would suggest looking for ways to manage your stress.

Once you hear back,that's when you need to decide what to do - whether or where to attend, if you're accepted. What to do instead if not. Something to keep in mind, difficult at this point in the application season I know, is that your whole life and future happiness is NOT dependent on the outcomes of these applications.

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