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Waiting to hear back - MFA in Photography


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Anyone who has had interviews this year already...I would love to get some tips for a couple of upcoming interviews (RISD, Cranbrook, and CalArts.) I am curious to know what these schools or other schools have been asking and to see if there is any crossover. Just trying to prepare solidly. Also, anyone heard from Columbia MFA? Thanks y'all.

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Is it necessary to bring the hardcopy of portfolio, resume, etc. for the interview?

I would, its always nice to see photography in print, also you can refer to the work better, and it shows organisation and dedication.Its a good idea to take an updated CV should anything have changed, and have a few copies for anyone who is sharing reading yours. Also make sure your portfolio is professional looking, nothing worse that a scruffy one which will detract from the work. Can't hurt to be prepared!
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not sure how true the RISD interview email was... some one may be fibbing on here. just saying.

I hope so. I really wanted to at least get an interview with RISD. Still licking my wounds over the Yale, Stanford, and other rejections. But I did get an interview with Cranbrook and VCU so that was good as both schools are really great. My SAIC and Temple/Tyler applications got screwed up. But the Temple/Tyler problems may get resolved. SAIC took my money but never looked at my application due to a web issue. I'm really sore about that one.

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that's such a bummer! :(

you have so many acceptances though, can't be taking it that hard!

I hope so. I really wanted to at least get an interview with RISD. Still licking my wounds over the Yale, Stanford, and other rejections. But I did get an interview with Cranbrook and VCU so that was good as both schools are really great. My SAIC and Temple/Tyler applications got screwed up. But the Temple/Tyler problems may get resolved. SAIC took my money but never looked at my application due to a web issue. I'm really sore about that one.

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that's such a bummer! :(

you have so many acceptances though, can't be taking it that hard!

No... not terrible hard. Having several expectancies to some good schools is really great as I know at least that I have a "home" of some kind. I did apply to lots of schools as I wanted at least a few choices. I see you have at least one "home" so far so that's great.

Good luck to everyone to fine a home with new photo friends and mentors.

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Just accepted to Cranbrook - but can I afford it? Oh this is tough. One good, but mid-tier school offering full tuition waiver and a substantial stipend, and another top-tier school that would likely require big loans to attend. I can't take this stress! It's good stress to be sure. Much better than no acceptances, but hard decisions never-the-less. Added pressure comes in that Cranbrook wants a deposit within 2 weeks. How can I decide when I still haven't heard from all schools?

Cranbrook is highly rated to be sure. But offers no teaching experience and I want to teach when I'm done. So - Expensive, no teaching experience, but looks great on the diploma and I would undoubtedly grow greatly as an artist and have more doors opened for me in the way of exhibitions.

Ohio State is not as highly rated but still a very good school. I like the 3-year nature of the program and I would get at least 2 years of teaching experience and possibly adjunct teaching opportunities with them afterwards. I get full tuition costs covered, plus a to-die-for medical/dental/vision insurance coverage for the whole family for pennies. Plus I get a very nice stipend that will cover a good part of my living expenses.

I really need to hear back from RISD and VCU to help me decide what to do. I think RISD is out as I didn't get a request. Had my interview with VCU though and it seemed to go really great. They are making some interesting changes there that make the program sound really strong.

Edited by Fool4nine
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Just accepted to Cranbrook - but can I afford it? Oh this is tough. One good, but mid-tier school offering full tuition waiver and a substantial stipend, and another top-tier school that would likely require big loans to attend. I can't take this stress! It's good stress to be sure. Much better than no acceptances, but hard decisions never-the-less. Added pressure comes in that Cranbrook wants a deposit within 2 weeks. How can I decide when I still haven't heard from all schools?

Cranbrook is highly rated to be sure. But offers no teaching experience and I want to teach when I'm done. So - Expensive, no teaching experience, but looks great on the diploma and I would undoubtedly grow greatly as an artist and have more doors opened for me in the way of exhibitions.

Ohio State is not as highly rated but still a very good school. I like the 3-year nature of the program and I would get at least 2 years of teaching experience and possibly adjunct teaching opportunities with them afterwards. I get full tuition costs covered, plus a to-die-for medical/dental/vision insurance coverage for the whole family for pennies. Plus I get a very nice stipend that will cover a good part of my living expenses.

I really need to hear back from RISD and VCU to help me decide what to do. I think RISD is out as I didn't get a request. Had my interview with VCU though and it seemed to go really great. They are making some interesting changes there that make the program sound really strong.

I envy your position, I would love to have a full tuition waver under my belt! Hope you make a decision you are happy with!

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I envy your position, I would love to have a full tuition waver under my belt! Hope you make a decision you are happy with!

Hey, you got accepted to ASU (I was rejected by them) and they often offer some type of help I understand. That's a very good school - just have to go north during the summer unless you enjoy 120 deg weather. :)

I kind of envy your work - I think that it is really strong.

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Hey, you got accepted to ASU (I was rejected by them) and they often offer some type of help I understand. That's a very good school - just have to go north during the summer unless you enjoy 120 deg weather. :)

I kind of envy your work - I think that it is really strong.


I'm international though so I just get a reduced fee, I have heard its similar to in state costs and its only for the first year. Unfortunately even with this and my scholarship I still need a lot more money for living costs...

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Just accepted to Cranbrook - but can I afford it? Oh this is tough. One good, but mid-tier school offering full tuition waiver and a substantial stipend, and another top-tier school that would likely require big loans to attend. I can't take this stress! It's good stress to be sure. Much better than no acceptances, but hard decisions never-the-less. Added pressure comes in that Cranbrook wants a deposit within 2 weeks. How can I decide when I still haven't heard from all schools?

Cranbrook is highly rated to be sure. But offers no teaching experience and I want to teach when I'm done. So - Expensive, no teaching experience, but looks great on the diploma and I would undoubtedly grow greatly as an artist and have more doors opened for me in the way of exhibitions.

Ohio State is not as highly rated but still a very good school. I like the 3-year nature of the program and I would get at least 2 years of teaching experience and possibly adjunct teaching opportunities with them afterwards. I get full tuition costs covered, plus a to-die-for medical/dental/vision insurance coverage for the whole family for pennies. Plus I get a very nice stipend that will cover a good part of my living expenses.

I really need to hear back from RISD and VCU to help me decide what to do. I think RISD is out as I didn't get a request. Had my interview with VCU though and it seemed to go really great. They are making some interesting changes there that make the program sound really strong.

I envy your position, I would love to have a full tuition waver under my belt! Hope you make a decision you are happy with!

Hey, you got accepted to ASU (I was rejected by them) and they often offer some type of help I understand. That's a very good school - just have to go north during the summer unless you enjoy 120 deg weather. :)

I kind of envy your work - I think that it is really strong.

I agree with cxxxxxx that I would envy having a full tuition offer already, and I definitely agree with fool4nine that I envy cxxxxxx's portfolio! I love your work!

Anyway, fool4nine, I think that either way you're in a really good position, as I am sure you know. It sounds like you may be leaning toward Ohio, and if that is the case I think it might be a better choice as well. There is nothing against Cranbrook, I think it is a wonderful school and I wouldn't blame you for considering it no matter the cost, but I don't think the name and connections of Cranbrook over the name and connections of Ohio or as substantially better as you may think.

The program there is pretty strong, and the faculty there are going to have connections that you might not expect. I know from my own experience that schools that might seem less well-connected are not always the case. I began school at a small community college in Daytona Beach, Florida and later transferred to Parsons in NYC and honestly most of the faculty in Florida had connections throughout the art world, just like the faculty in NYC. Plus, the faculty in Daytona were much more accessible to me then when I went to NYC. Basically what I am saying is that at face value a school in Daytona might not sound as good as a school in NYC, but the reality is both offer very fulfilling and well connected opportunities for growth.

Either way you go, good luck and I wish you the best. PS I am super jealous of the Rutgers admission too! I am thinking at this point that's a rejection for me because I haven't heard from them yet.

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I agree with cxxxxxx that I would envy having a full tuition offer already, and I definitely agree with fool4nine that I envy cxxxxxx's portfolio! I love your work!

Anyway, fool4nine, I think that either way you're in a really good position, as I am sure you know. It sounds like you may be leaning toward Ohio, and if that is the case I think it might be a better choice as well. There is nothing against Cranbrook, I think it is a wonderful school and I wouldn't blame you for considering it no matter the cost, but I don't think the name and connections of Cranbrook over the name and connections of Ohio or as substantially better as you may think.

The program there is pretty strong, and the faculty there are going to have connections that you might not expect. I know from my own experience that schools that might seem less well-connected are not always the case. I began school at a small community college in Daytona Beach, Florida and later transferred to Parsons in NYC and honestly most of the faculty in Florida had connections throughout the art world, just like the faculty in NYC. Plus, the faculty in Daytona were much more accessible to me then when I went to NYC. Basically what I am saying is that at face value a school in Daytona might not sound as good as a school in NYC, but the reality is both offer very fulfilling and well connected opportunities for growth.

Either way you go, good luck and I wish you the best. PS I am super jealous of the Rutgers admission too! I am thinking at this point that's a rejection for me because I haven't heard from them yet.

Thank you for your comments. Well... I know from this forum, that people get accepted in late April because some people will reject offers in mid April. People will be rejecting offers from now until then as they get better offers and make decisions. Obviously I have some to reject myself and will do so after getting their acceptance letters and offers of aid if I feel that they don't compete with better offers in hand.

I believe I'd be happy at Rutgers too as it is a really good school in a great location. I have not yet seen any aid info yet from them. Once I do, I'll really compare it to other offers in hand and make a decision.

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Thank you for your comments. Well... I know from this forum, that people get accepted in late April because some people will reject offers in mid April. People will be rejecting offers from now until then as they get better offers and make decisions. Obviously I have some to reject myself and will do so after getting their acceptance letters and offers of aid if I feel that they don't compete with better offers in hand.

I believe I'd be happy at Rutgers too as it is a really good school in a great location. I have not yet seen any aid info yet from them. Once I do, I'll really compare it to other offers in hand and make a decision.

Yes, you are certainly right that it's probably far too early to "freak-out" about Rutgers. They have some pretty good financial aid packages so there is a good chance they will offer you a good deal. I have worked with some non-profit art galleries in Newark, which is only about 20 minutes from Rutgers, and can tell you that aside from being close to NYC as most people tend to mention, the art scene in NJ is really interesting and exciting right now. Sounds like you are going to have some tough decisions to make.

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got my SAIC rejection today snail mail :(

Sorry about that! Sounds like you are headed to Indiana. RISD photo mails out letters next week. Since I didn't get an interview, I'll be watching the mail for my rejection letter from them to add to my pile. When I get my first book published, I may create a collage of the rejection letters to use as the inside cover material for the book. :)

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Got the thanks but no thanks from MassArt today. Not a surprise in the slightest after not getting an invite for interview. Oh well....someone else gets to rock out with the ginormous Polaroid instead of me. :-) 3 Down...4 to Go!

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Got the thanks but no thanks from MassArt today. Not a surprise in the slightest after not getting an invite for interview. Oh well....someone else gets to rock out with the ginormous Polaroid instead of me. :-) 3 Down...4 to Go!

When I visited massart one of the grads told me it was $100 for one image and you have to pay the camera operator, so it's kinda insane unless your funded.. Nebraska is cool!

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Sorry about that! Sounds like you are headed to Indiana. RISD photo mails out letters next week. Since I didn't get an interview, I'll be watching the mail for my rejection letter from them to add to my pile. When I get my first book published, I may create a collage of the rejection letters to use as the inside cover material for the book. :)

Great idea, mine currently are hanging in my bathroom.

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