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MPP with low GPA


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I just finished my applications and am thinking about more safety schools. Can anyone please help me in deciding if I stand a shot at getting into some of my schools? Here is my information:

Degree: MPP

Schools applying to: UGA, Pitt, UIC, GW, Washington

Undergraduate institution: Fairly well respected university, ranked 90ish among national universities

Major: Poli Sci Major, Econ Minor (had more econ credits than Poli Sci though)

GPA: 3.05

GRE: 60% V, 63% Q, 5 Writing

Work experience: 3 years as a staff assistant for my state political party, internship as a fundraiser for local congressional campaign, summer of doing institutional research for my school, and 1 year as a field organizer for the Obama campaign

Recommendations: former professor who ran political campaigns and now works for our state gov't (has his MPP), state chairman of the Democratic party, president of my university (supervisor for a summer)

Additional info: GPA was extremely low my sophomore (like 2.6) because of some family issues, other than that it's been in the 3.3-3.6 range and my senior year was my best. I did get C's in my first couple econ classes (sophomore year) including Public Economics that year, but after that I went to B's my Junior and A's my senior.

Personal statement shouldn't be a problem - I had a family friend who is a professional writer look over it and make corrections/approve.

Edited by dd62506
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That was actually on my second tier of schools (mostly because I liked the program, just not the location). Thank you for the suggestion.

What do you think of the schools I currently have applied to?

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I only researched SHU and the University of British Columbia for my grad school options, because my funding is limited and I have limited professional experience. But I have definitely heard of Washington, GW and Pitt, for sure. Pitt is a great school. But you'll have to ask other people haha, sorry.

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