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Northwestern anyone?


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Anyone apply to Northwestern? Looking at the old results on gradcafe, the only admitted student was notified in late January (and invited to the new students' weekend occurring "a few weeks later"), and the 3 rejected ones in late February. I'm guessing I'm not in.

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I'm a fan of Richard Kieckhefer's. That would be amazing if they flew you from Bangkok. I'm impressed with how many applications you managed to complete. Kudos. I'm only applying to 5 places, and even that seemed a large chore when trying to finish a thesis and finals. Best of luck.

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I heard from a student there that they had already made their decisions. I assume they'll let you know soon. I applied to the history department and spoke with Kieckhefer on Friday, but he was mum regarding admissions... We'll see.

Thanks for the info! Now I'm getting nervous.

As to the statement that they'll probably let me know soon, I don't know if that's the case. A lost of programs sit on their decisions forever. UVa's decision (about me at least) is already in but I won't get official notification until March, I'm guessing. See the excellent rant deamondeac made on this topic in the 2009 decisions thread (p 7)

Edit: the student you spoke to was referring to history or religion decisions?

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Genghis, the student is in the Religion department and was referring to their admissions. Kieckhefer gave no hint as to how the history department was coming along. I'm hoping they'll let me know soon.

I would think that they would release the decisions pretty much right away, but that said, there are so many applicants, I don't know what's going on anymore.

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I would think that they would release the decisions pretty much right away, but that said, there are so many applicants, I don't know what's going on anymore.

That's what I thought too. The fact remains that, at least in my field, a lot of schools sit on the notifications for quite a while. I don't know why. There is no reason i can imagine that UVa wouldn't just tell me I have been rejected in March-- it's already decided. Nonetheless, that's what they do. I could understand if they don't tell a few people, who are on the brink of admission/rejection, just to see if tons of admitted students decline. But my case was cut-and-dried (only potential advisor retiring)-- I don't know why they wouldn't just tell me.

The poster I mentioned above has his own theory: "I chickened-out at Emory and emailed the graduate secretary to see if there was any kind of waitlist, since I wasn't invited to the "cool kids" weekend 8) . No response, as expected, but it brings up a really valid question. What is the big deal with all the secrecy and wielding of information power. Let me climb up on my soapbox...

So why is it that programs routinely incorporate deception into the whole process? It seems quite normal that large groups of folks have been de facto rejected, but the program doesn't send them official notice on the off chance (probably like .5%) that the few waitlisted folks also decline offers. Why don't they disclose when they're going to be deciding, and when official offers had been made? Do they really think that absence makes our hearts grow fonder, rather than just rationalize away about how we didn't like the program anyway (even if they do admit us)? It seems like we're all adults here, and the only thing that makes us less-than-adultlike is the ridiculous information power these programs are hoarding while we try to figure out the next step of our lives. In your case Genghis, they had already made a decision, but apparently weren't going to let you know until the "official" letters are sent out in April 2027. That's ridiculous and unfair to you. It's like middle school all over again..."

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My guess is that they have a few times of mass emails/letters when its time for acceptances, rejections, etc. ... and the rest of the time they are just not going to bother mailing or emailing something out, unless they want you and they need you to do something, like send in a missing score or transcript. I think they see our fees as paying for their consideration, not their personal attention.

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The info given graciously by general_jr is

driving me nuts. I've called the department like 5 times but nobody will pick up I'm gonna keep calling til I reach somebody, and then I'll let you other guys know the result.

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Sorry, Genghis. If it makes you feel better, I'm dying to know about the history department's decision. This year, I'm pretty sure it's the only chance I have at a PhD program... Sigh...

I'm dying to know as well. I also applied to the History department and have been anxiously watching results from other history departments, but none from Northwestern. I wonder if it's worth it for myself to call or email -- I was in touch with Kieckhefer last year with regards to my application, but haven't really spoken with him since.

Either way, best of luck!

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Ok I have the skinny. Just talked to the guy at the religion department (after 15+ tries on the phone, long distance from Bangkok). He told me that decisions will be posted on the website in... wait for it... APRIL! I then asked him if he could tell me my decision now, and he said "If I knew, I couldn't tell you." So I guess I should just chill for now.

I suspect he said April just to ensure I wouldn't call again-- perhaps they will be posted before then, and that's just the official party line. I'm guessing we'll find out before then.

I'm glad I didn't tell him my name, cuz he sounded kind of pissed. He sounded like an asshole, to tell you the truth.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Northwestern's religion department already made its first decisions. The prospective students weekend just happened (Feb 20-21st).

Wow. Guess I didn't get in then. At least I know I'm not on the top of their list . If I get an admission now it'll obviously be because somebody declined their offer.

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