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AERA: Are you going?


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Who's going to the AERA annual conference in Vancouver? This will be my first time. I just looked at the program and it is HUGE. How do you decide what to go to?I also applied for a divisional pre-conference seminar. I wonder how competitive these are?

Almost all of the POIs I applied to work with will be there... I'm really worried that if they all reject me it will be really awkward. I won't find out about my admission status until a couple of weeks before the conference starts.

All the POIs I contacted responded really positively to my emails and they all offered to look over my SOP and thought it was very strong. I'm only worried about my horrendous, embarrassing undergraduate GPA. I just finished my MA with an excellent GPA so I'm hoping they'll overlook it, and my teacher training grades were great, too. Still, the terrible, horrible undergrad grades might still be fresh in their minds when I see them at the conference. I'll be so embarrassed!

Edited by wheatGrass
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Not that I'm applying to this program, but I wanted to give you a little comfort regarding your undergraduate GPA.

Most schools tend to value the more recent accomplishments, and if you've excelled in your programs and activities AFTER undergrad, they will weigh those much more heavily. If that is your only weakness, don't worry too much.

I had a strong SOP, experience, rec letters, GRE, and a Masters GPA. My 3.0 GPA in undergrad could have put anyone to shame. Yet, I've still been accepted to one of my top doctoral programs with full funding and stipend, so I'm sure they were able to look past the undergrad GPA fortunately. Trust me, I was worried about it too before my acceptance letter.

Hope that takes a little weight from your shoulders.

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wheatGrass, the AERA GSC has specific content planned for graduate students attending the conference. Check out the Fall 2011 newsletter. http://www.aera.net/uploadedFiles/Graduate_Students/Newsletters/Connections_v2.pdf.

I'm not attending the AERA conference this year, but am definitely making plans to be there next year.

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I presented at AERA last year (New Orleans!) and it was a good experience. I'm not going this year due to a scheduling conflict (which sucks, because I LOVE Vancouver - it's an awesome city). The only thing about the AERA conference that bothers me is the size. The printed program is literally 450+ pages long (and I think there were over 20,000 people in attendance last year). What I would suggest as a strategy, is make sure that you go through the program online before you get to the conference, and map out a plan for what you want to attend and who you want to meet. The online searchable program feature is great - you can search by keyword, author name, etc, and create your own schedule.

eta: Does anyone know where the 2013 AERA conference will be held? I don't see that info on their website yet.

Edited by Andsowego
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I don't think I'll get a chance to go this year -- work and saving money, you know.

But I did go a couple of years ago when it was in San Diego and had a wonderful time! I'd highly reccomend going, espcieally since B.C. is such a great city, and will be spectacular in the spring!

I'm thinking i'll go to Atl, 2013.

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