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I don't know how many the first round includes. There are usually a couple full-year fellowships and then some offers that are 1 semester fellowship and 1 as a TA for the first year. I believe all funding packages are for 6 years no matter how the first year is worked out. There will be notifications beyone today, though, so don't lose hope if you don't hear anything today. Best of luck!

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I know today's calls have been made. There is an acceptance posted on the results page as well. There will be more notifications, probably next week.

Hey lyoness,

Any idea when the next wave of acceptances is coming out? Thanks so much for all the generous information you've provided so far, by the way. Hope you're enjoying the program!

Mondays suck...

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Sorry, Germaine but I don't know. I would imagine soon, probably this week. Last year there were four days, I think, between the notification of the fellowship admits and the next pool. I'll post if I hear anything. Good luck to all of you!

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Sorry, Germaine but I don't know. I would imagine soon, probably this week. Last year there were four days, I think, between the notification of the fellowship admits and the next pool. I'll post if I hear anything. Good luck to all of you!

OK, thanks for the update!

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So, I just saw that there are a couple of rejections on the results board. It says that they were notified to check a link via email. I never received an email, and I tried to check my status online and it just says it's submitted. Can anyone speak more specifically to this?

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So, I just saw that there are a couple of rejections on the results board. It says that they were notified to check a link via email. I never received an email, and I tried to check my status online and it just says it's submitted. Can anyone speak more specifically to this?

My status is still "Awaiting Program Decision." I'm sort of assuming implicit rejection at this point, though?

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My status is still "Awaiting Program Decision." I'm sort of assuming implicit rejection at this point, though?

Where did you see that? When I log into apply yourself, the only thing I see is it saying application submitted. I don't know if I am looking in the wrong place or what....

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Hi all. The first-round admits have been contacted, and some rejections have been posted. However, not all admits and none of the waitlist have been contacted yet. Funding decisions from the grad school and all that are still getting finalized. If you haven't heard yet, you're not out of the running by any means. If you have questions about your application, the DGS and grad coordinator are both very nice. Best of luck!

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Hi all. The first-round admits have been contacted, and some rejections have been posted. However, not all admits and none of the waitlist have been contacted yet. Funding decisions from the grad school and all that are still getting finalized. If you haven't heard yet, you're not out of the running by any means. If you have questions about your application, the DGS and grad coordinator are both very nice. Best of luck!

This is one of my top choices for an array of reasons. My application has moved to "Final Review." I'm getting a bit nervous...

If we are re-directed to some link via e-mail then we're probably not accepted, correct? It seems as if admits are being called by phone.

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Thank you, lyonessrampant! I feel really, really silly... So, back when I was doing research on University of Minnesota, I checked out the few Romanticists that are teaching there. The website listed Dr. Brian Goldberg (http://english.umn.edu/faculty/profile.php?UID=goldb016), who received his PhD from Indiana University. I for one should have e-mailed to reach out to him in general, but I decided not to for some reason (which is very uncharacteristic of me... I'm usually very outgoing). Once my application status was moved to "Final Review" I decided to google Dr. Goldberg again. I found out more about his research, and, as it turns out, he went to the same undergraduate institution that I am about to graduate from... and he studies Romanticism... and of course I didn't contact him. I e-mailed him two days again... better late then never, I suppose? I know that maybe even the contact wouldn't have made a difference, but still, I like to think it probably could have helped a little...

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I don't think Brian was on the adcomm this semester, so I don't think the contact would have made a lot of difference. The adcomm tries to match all acceptances with a prof doing similar work. They would know you were interested in Brian, I think, so don't beat yourself up. This process is bad enough as it is!

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You're right! I'm trying not to beat myself up. I'll keep you posted... I should have a decision by tomorrow or Tuesday. The UMN grad school FAQ says that if it's moved to "Final Review," then one should expect a decision (usually) within the next two business days.

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