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Getting into Rutgers would make me laugh as it was my disaster application. I had to write my fit paragraph in 8 minutes because the first draft didn't save and turned it in with 8 seconds to spare. I'm still surprised I haven't received a rejection for the fit paragraph alone.

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I think it's possible they're still working out the last waitlist spots. It looks like in the past they offered quite a few. I imagine that they're going to see what happens with these first waitlist people and with their initial acceptances and then go forth. Then again, maybe it's just some bureaucratic thing.

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Okay, so they just called to check in. I'm #1 on the 20th century subfield list and also high overall. She made it sound like a have a really good shot at this. They also made me feel really good about my application, which is nice. I love compliments. :)

Good of them to be so informative. I've become pretty disillusioned in English departments, thanks to this forum this season....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wondering if I should shoot an e-mail over to the DGS to check on the waitlist. It's been a couple of weeks. Then again, maybe I should wait until after the open house. Thoughts? Don't want to be a nuisance.

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Hm, I'd wait. I'm not doing anything but sitting on my waitlist. They'll definitely remember to contact you ASAP, and contacting them now won't really do much. They know you're interested and invested in attending there. Sit tight, I think it'll happen!:)

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  • 11 months later...





anyone coming to the open house this year? strongly considering the program? let's talk!


i want to know more about new brunswick; and i want to know more about what the teaching arrangement is like!

other than that, i am super excited about the faculty (!!!), and folks could NOT have been more friendly, kind, helpful

and exciteable in reaching out to me about my work and coming to rutgers!







thoughts??? here or PM !!!

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-- i'd especially love to hear from any americanists considering the dept.!!!


ALSO, if anyone out there did accept at rutgers, or visited/considered and decided not to accept

for X or Y reasons, i'd also love to hear from you, and you reasons for doing/feeling whatever you did!




tough decisions on the heart!

love to hear from anyone!


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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm an early modernist (not really what you were asking for, but what the hay!) and I'm starting a PhD program in English Lit. at Rutgers this fall (already confirmed). I too had fantastic contact with the faculty and also picked the brains of a few grad students (one was an anglo-saxonist and one was another early modernist). I am attending the open house (only a little over a week away!) so I can feed you information about it if you're not planning on going. So far most of my question have been about interdisciplinary options, housing, and the surrounding community. All answered to my satisfaction. As far as I can tell, the best place to live is in Highland Park since it's pretty close to College Ave Campus (where Murray Hall i.e. most of the English classes are). As far as the teaching arrangement goes, I heard that teaching intro comp classes is what most students do until they get ABD; then they teach one specialty class. I was also told that students generally only teach one summer class, since they're hard to come by. But there are so many free intensive language classes offered over the summer, that it seems we'll probably be too busy anyway! I'm studying comparative Renaissance so I need to be proficient in Latin and Italian <.< . Anyway, hit me up if you want to chat!

Edited by Metaellipses
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