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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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I don't know about ucla, but I have a friend who got called around the same time to do an interview with Columbia last year.. maybe they just send out the rejection letters later, who knows... i'd be nice if you were right though...

here's my list

ucla: no word

columbia: no word

yale: interview

cca: interviewed, waiting for final desicion

university of illinois urbana-champaign: accepted with fellowship

ut austin: accepted with fellowship

hunter: interview

What kind of work do you do? I will be visiting Urbana-Champaign in two weeks, and i am curious about what is going on there. They are mighty generous, aren't they?

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What medium/department did you apply for again? I see that you applied to CCA as well as some top-most schools. I'm wondering what the general consensus is regarding CCA's program. It's the only place I've received an acceptance to so far and I work in the sculptural realm (although CCA is very interdisciplinary). Anybody have an opinion? Thanks!

I don't know about ucla, but I have a friend who got called around the same time to do an interview with Columbia last year.. maybe they just send out the rejection letters later, who knows... i'd be nice if you were right though...

here's my list

ucla: no word

columbia: no word

yale: interview

cca: interviewed, waiting for final desicion

university of illinois urbana-champaign: accepted with fellowship

ut austin: accepted with fellowship

hunter: interview

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hey ssap, when/how did you hear back from CCA? I had an interview with them on the 21st, which I thought went really well, but haven't heard back yet. I'm doing photo. A friend of mine used to work at CCA and she said they are pretty progressive in terms of ideas, equipment, and structure. She also said they have good "community".

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I know CCA is recognized for the photo program. I live around the school and have seen their MFA studio program become much stronger through the last few years, but I'm wondering how it compares to the top ten programs, especially in sculpture. I'm trying to gauge if it'll be worth it to go to an expensive art school as opposed to try again next year for a University program that comes with more funding.

The Sculpture Chair emailed me over the weekend, but she said that the formal acceptance letters have not gone out yet so I'm sure you are still in the running. Good luck!

hey ssap, when/how did you hear back from CCA? I had an interview with them on the 21st, which I thought went really well, but haven't heard back yet. I'm doing photo. A friend of mine used to work at CCA and she said they are pretty progressive in terms of ideas, equipment, and structure. She also said they have good "community".
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What kind of work do you do? I will be visiting Urbana-Champaign in two weeks, and i am curious about what is going on there. They are mighty generous, aren't they?

I was just visiting them this weekend, it seems they try to help out people they accept. I work with assemblage, mixed media.. but applied as a painter.. i didn't get to meet that many of the students , but the work i saw there seemed strong and the faculty really young and laid back. looks like a nice community..

good luck with your visit!

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about CCA, i am applying as painting/drawing. don't know much about their sculpture work or faculty though. I know they have one of the strongest textiles departments in the country. and i know a few people who go there right now whose work i really respect. you should visit them though!! are they not giving any funding?

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I will have to agree with you about UCLA and Columbia. Everyone I have talked to say that the end of March, start of April for for both schools (Painting departments) is when we will be hearing stuff. Anyway, good luck to everyone.

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I'm also calling out that other posting - the person who claimed to have already gotten into ucla and was interviewing at columbia and yale. sounds like a lot of hooey. i don't think ucla has sent out their acceptances yet. I remember both them and columbia were the last two i heard from when I applied last year.

While I would like to believe that person is lying, and it is entirely possible, I know that most schools tend to take their time sending out rejection letters, Columbia being NOTORIOUS for such practices. I also know that people have interviews scheduled at both Columbia and Yale; I just got back from my interview in Chicago, and some of the other interviewees I spoke to there also had interviews coming up at Columbia, Yale, and RISD, so sadly it sounds as if you haven't heard from them yet, the news wont be so good when it does come around. UCLA is the only school that person mentioned that I have heard nothing else about, but based on the rest of what I was just rambling about, it seems entirely plausible that they contacted those accepted already. Of course, I'd be happy to be wrong, especially in the case of UCLA!

Anybody hear any news from VCU, Tyler, or MICA? I received an unsolicited email from UPenn (PennDesign) letting me know that they'll be mailing out their letters sometime around the 23rd, and I should expect to hear from them by the 1st of April.

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it would just be nice to get some definitive answers - we all keep hearing things, but no one can actually confirm anything. but yeah - i remember columbia sent out their rejections this time last year...and i'm going to assume they notify their interviews before they notify their rejections.

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it would just be nice to get some definitive answers - we all keep hearing things, but no one can actually confirm anything. but yeah - i remember columbia sent out their rejections this time last year...and i'm going to assume they notify their interviews before they notify their rejections.

a friend of a friend got in to ucla painting- they accepted 6 this year (all women).

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hey brosenth1984,

congrats on all those acceptances and interviews. I visited U of Chicago this past October on my tour to get my name out there before applying. I met about three of the faculty and sat in on a crit session. The faculty members that I met were all pretty nice and helpful; young, energetic and very involved. I believe the program leans towards the intellectual/cerebral side quite a bit which might be a perfect fit for you as a new genres person. I think the program is in a period of growth as well so might be an exciting time to hop on that train. You get private studios and it is a small body of peers.

Despite my efforts, I've not even heard a peep from them yet so I expect a slow rejection in the mail. I don't think my work fits with them anyways. cheers!

brosenth1984 said:
Just to update the insane list (I am applying in New Genres/video):

University of Chicago: Accepted

University of Illinois, Chicago: Nothing (But i know people were accepted, and were asked to say yes by March 15th, so if not contacted we are probably in a later pool, but not yet rejects :) )

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Accepted, funding announced

School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Accepted today

Washington University in St. Louis: Accepted and funding decisions sent out. Great school.

Syracuse: Unofficial Acceptance during phone interview

American U: Withdrawn, but I heard they accepted people and a friend of mine is on the waitlist, don't know about rejections though

CCA: Phone interview, then nothing, probably rejected because i screwed it up

UC Davis: Accepted, early

UC Irvine: Interviewed, nothing...hated them and they hated me too...not planning on ever going back to this one

UCSD: Rejected :(...very sad

UC Berkeley: Rejected

Hunter: Interviewed, they were pretty nice and sassy...in a good way

RISD: Nothing

University of Delaware: Nothing

Northwestern: Phone Interview tomorrow

USC: Nothing (expect rejection)

has anybody visited U of C? I will be there on Friday, and I am curious about impressions?

oh, and to answer below question (because i work for a grad school). Technically a school is supposed to allow you to make a decision until April 15th. But if you are not sure, and have a top choice amongst them (without purchase), especially if funding is attached to it. There is no reason why you can't (other than financially) give them deposit, and withdraw later before the start. Although, it is really unethical for them to make you do this. Washington University expects a decision by April 1st, and I will be visiting another school on the 2nd.

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Hello all,

Sorry to upset anyone but I was definitely not "lying" about my stats.

UCLA accepted for painting via phone call in early march then emailed official letter a few days later.

Columbia called last Saturday for an interview.

Yale interview 3-23

Had my phone interview with Hunter on Friday. Went pretty badly, they were really upset I was not coming in person.

USC/UCberkeley: Rejected

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Hi All,

I thought I'd join the club.. the anxiety is killing me..

Here are my schools, programs, and status:

CCA: Social Practice: Interviewed last month and waiting! (I flew down to interview in person and also to visit the program.. the interview went very well)

Portland State University: Social Practice: Interviewed at the end of February. WAITLISTED! Somewhat confused though.. I got an email the evening after my interview which said I was waitlisted for the program and that they would notify me within 1-3 weeks if there was room, as they only accept 6 applicants (I made the top 12). Do they expect their top 6 candidates to notify them by mid March if they are going to attend the program? Seems quick..

Pacific Northwest College of Art: Visual Arts/flexible mentor based program) no word yet.. the app deadline was only on February 15th though.

SFAI: New Genres: Nothing yet

I chose to apply only to schools in the Pacific Northwest as I feel that the region and environment is paramount to my current practice..

most recent work here: www.rksim.com

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Hey, folks, New Genres person here.

UC Irvine - Accepted via phone (and I found them delightful, even before the acceptance)

American - Accepted via phone

Carnegie Mellon - Haven't heard from

UCLA - Nothing

Columbia - Nothing

Stanford - Nothing

Bard - Rejection via Internet

I also just want to say that you shouldn't let school pressure you into making a decision before you're ready. I understand why they want to know quickly so they can work through their wait lists, but at the end of the day, it's your art, it's your money, it's your time.

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Hey, folks, New Genres person here.

UC Irvine - Accepted via phone (and I found them delightful, even before the acceptance)

American - Accepted via phone

Carnegie Mellon - Haven't heard from

UCLA - Nothing

Columbia - Nothing

Stanford - Nothing

Bard - Rejection via Internet

I also just want to say that you shouldn't let school pressure you into making a decision before you're ready. I understand why they want to know quickly so they can work through their wait lists, but at the end of the day, it's your art, it's your money, it's your time.

Congrats. Who did you interview with at UC Irvine? Just curious about the contrast in experience. When i went it was clear my interviewers (Bruce, Kevin, and Monica) didn't even read my file, they weren't aware I went to Carnegie Mellon, even though it is all over my package.

I hope you get into Carnegie Mellon, i don't think they have finalized their decisions yet. I personally (no bias of course :) ) think it is a superb program, and there are an amazing amount of interdisciplinary opportunities available at your fingertips.

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Well, if it is helpful... A friend of mine did get excepted at Portland state for Social Practice and he does not think he will be going (funding issue), so that may be one extra spot open for ya.

Hi All,

I thought I'd join the club.. the anxiety is killing me..

Here are my schools, programs, and status:

CCA: Social Practice: Interviewed last month and waiting! (I flew down to interview in person and also to visit the program.. the interview went very well)

Portland State University: Social Practice: Interviewed at the end of February. WAITLISTED! Somewhat confused though.. I got an email the evening after my interview which said I was waitlisted for the program and that they would notify me within 1-3 weeks if there was room, as they only accept 6 applicants (I made the top 12). Do they expect their top 6 candidates to notify them by mid March if they are going to attend the program? Seems quick..

Pacific Northwest College of Art: Visual Arts/flexible mentor based program) no word yet.. the app deadline was only on February 15th though.

SFAI: New Genres: Nothing yet

I chose to apply only to schools in the Pacific Northwest as I feel that the region and environment is paramount to my current practice..

most recent work here: http://www.rksim.com

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i'm sorry, i take it back. but people have intentionally posted misleading info on here before - clearly, we're all nervous. it's our futures, dammit.

but yeah, re columbia, i've heard sculpture and painting have made their calls. no news on photography, new genres or whatever else there is. i suspect if we haven't heard...well, that's it.

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It is so annoying that some of the schools wait so long to send out rejections after they have made there picks. I hope they have a real reason for doing it that way, and not just because. Anyway, I guess we should all know by early next month, I will be glad when I know what is happening for me this fall.

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Hi all,

This process is an emotional roller coaster!

Most programs interdisciplinary

Berkeley, rejected

CalArts, interview 3/12

Cranbrook, accepted

RISD, accepted

Columbia, no word

NYU, no word

SAIC, no word

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czn, if you don't mind me asking, what department did you get accepted into at RISD and Cranbrook? I ask because I'm *anxiously* waiting to hear from them of course.

I'm about to send emails to the schools that I've been accepted into, politely asking them to give me more time to decide.

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RISD and Cranbrook were for Printmedia. Each department at those schools has totally independent admissions processes so it doesn't mean anything about your applications. Also, you can definitely ask for more time once you've been accepted.

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Just two questions for all:

1. Has anyone applied to/heard from the Fibers & Materials Studies dept. at SAIC?

2. For those who have applied for MFA for the second time, what is your reason? (didn't get the desired school, didn't get enough funding, etc.) And, are the results much better the second time around?

your replies are much appreciated, thx!

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