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Going insane..?


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People have been posting on the prospective student group on FB that they have been admitted to the program I applied to at Teachers College, and I am STILL waiting!!

I check my online application every five minutes to see if anything has been posted--I actually think I am going crazy.

Any advice on how to chill out?!?!

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Buy an xbox! :P

But really - I'd suggest finding an activity (if you can) that takes you away from the computer - read something, play some video games, etc. The farther away you are from a computer, the less you'll be obsessively checking your app status.

And if you can't, you can download an app my friends in college used to focus on their hw - SelfControl. They used it for facebook, etc, but you can probably use it for your application website - set it for a few hours so you can't refresh, and will therefore have to focus on something else. only downside is that you can't cancel the block until it expires, so if you get an email saying you can now check your app status, you'll be forced to wait it out :P

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