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I'm REALLY hoping someone can help me preserve my sanity. I saw on the results board that a few people have gotten rejections from UW-Madison in the past week or so. I still have yet to hear anything, my status is still "pending". Is there anyone here who also applied and is in the same situation, or someone who applied last year? Does anyone know how UW-Madison usually goes about their acceptances and rejections? I've already been rejected from several of my top choices, so UW-Madison is probably my top choice at the moment and I am just going crazy waiting on them! Grrr who would have thought this process would be so maddening?!!

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one! It looks like last year the rejections and acceptances came pretty sporadically and all through the months of february and march and through a variety of means--some website, some post, some email. This year, though, it seems like a lot of the rejections occurred at the same time. So who knows what this means. Why do they have to do this to us?!!

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OK. Help. I've been looking at this GradApply site several times a day, and I see no change whatsoever. Can someone tell me exactly where on the page you're looking? The only thing resembling a status on my page is where it says, "Your application is complete. A summary of all materials is below.

Application is ready for committee." I'm worried because, even though I submitted my "additional information" months ago, my page will still allow me to edit it, and this might be evidence of some larger problem with the application (even though they sent me three "your application is complete" e-mails).

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That gradapply page is the right page -- mine changed to "Admission Decision: Recommend Admission" on Thursday. I wouldn't worry about being able to edit the extra info, I noticed that too. For what it might be worth, I think mine was the first acceptance posted on gradcafe and my name is near the beginning of the alphabet.

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That's good to know about the alphabet thing. My status has not changed either yet, but I am in the second group so maybe they have not gotten there yet? I don't know though, seems like an awful lot of people have been accepted already. Of course, UW-Madison also has at least 4 different sub-departments (my initial email from them after submitting said they had about 600 applicants, but over at least 4 different subfields. I don't know if this makes a difference though? Would anyone else who either got accepted or rejected mind sharing where their last name falls alphabetically or which sub-field they applied to? I get so nervous every time someone else gets accepted and mine doesn't change. I keep thinking it must mean I'm rejected, but then why take so long to send out the rejection?

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I checked my application status last night, and my status on the website was changed to recommend admission. That said, I haven't heard a peep from the department; no email, no phone calls, no mail, no nothing. So don't stress about it! No formal offers have gone out yet. And by the way, my last name starts with a D, and I applied to the Literary Studies program. I hope this eases your mind, but I know that isn't really possible. Why would I be on this site if I weren't freaking out myself? Good luck!

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cheesegrommit: Thanks for the info! Although my name also starts with a D, but it's at the end of the Ds. Maybe I still have a chance? I think UW-Madison admits about 50 to 60 applicants on average, so perhaps I shouldn't freak out yet. That said, I am still freaking out anyways :cry:

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I just checked the My UW site to find that the dept. has recommended admission but under review by the grad office. Does anyone know what that means? Does the grad school exercise veto power or do they just negotiate funding? If anyone would sniff at my terrible quant. score, I suspect it would be someone at the grad school, leaving me scared but cautiously optimistic.

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I also checked my status via GradApply on Friday (my last name starts with an A) and was notified that I was recommended for admission. In terms of graduate school requirements, I checked the graduate school website and they have some minimum requirements listed -- see http://info.gradsch.wisc.edu/education/ ... ments.html for details. Thankfully, the website doesn't list anything about GRE quantitative scores. Hope this helps and good luck to everyone waiting!

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