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GRE Name Change Question


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Okay, so I took the GRE last Saturday and I completely tanked it. I'm hypoglycemic, and I didn't realize that there would be more than 2 hours without a break... so I had a blood sugar crash at the beginning of the first verbal section (the only thing that really matters for me), which, if you've never had one, is like the worst feeling ever--could hardly read or focus my eyes, shaking, cold sweats, TOTAL MISERY. I ran out of time and completely bombed the section.

So my verbal score, while not terrible (I got a snack right after, and came back to rock the second half of the test, but at that point the damage was done), was certainly not good enough for the English programs I'm looking into for next year.

The thing is, I got married last month, but I haven't legally changed my name yet--I'm waiting for my tax stuff to go through (don't want to confuse the IRS). My question is, if I retake the GRE under my new name, will the score reports be separate, as in, kind of negating that first not-so-great score?

Cause that would be awesome.

Does anyone have experience with this?

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