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Seeking advice from people with experience negotiating funding at Canadian institutions

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Hi all,

As the title suggests, I'm wondering if there's anybody out there who, either this season or in previous years, has had experience negotiating for a higher funding package from their institution of choice. I know that there's a few threads around the forums that touch on this topic, but I'm hoping to catch someone with experience specific to English PhD programs in Canada.

I understand that having a choice between programs is something to be very thankful for, and that the topic of enhancing one's financial position can come across as boastful at a time when so many are waiting anxiously for responses, so please don't take this thread to be self-congratulatory on my part. I'm simply a bit lost for advice, and this is one of the best resources available.

If anybody out there has had experience, please shoot me a PM if you're willing to share, and I'd be happy to remove this thread.

All the very best to everyone during this period of waiting and deciding!

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