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My bf got accepted there via postal mail about a week ago. No word on funding though. I got accepted to their PhD two years back and they said they had no $ for me so it's not uncommon for them not to fund people. Good luck!

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Bump for 2013.


I'm very excited about my Temple admit--despite their lower rankings, the program is a great fit for me, and I'd be psyched to lived in Philly. I'm nervous about funding, though, and am wondering if anyone has any inside information on their funding practices or capabilities for 2013. Also, I'm just curious: who else got in, and who else is considering accepting?

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I've heard bad things about funding there (from both a current faculty member and from one of the people who wrote me a recommendation)--that said, I would have applied if I had taken the subject test. I hope you all get decent/livable stipends!

Edited by bluecheese
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Thanks, bluecheese! My acceptance e-mail says, "Financial awards are still in process. We hope to have completed this process in 2-3 weeks and will be sending out separate notices about funding." Though it's a pretty neutral statement, it seems to imply the likelihood of funding. Or maybe that's just hopeful thinking on my part. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I just got an acceptance to the PhD English program at temple. They said the same thing regarding funding decisions in two or three weeks. Is this departmental code for "no funding"?

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Hey I just got an acceptance to the PhD English program at temple. They said the same thing regarding funding decisions in two or three weeks. Is this departmental code for "no funding"?


Nope, they're playing you straight there. I found out I'm getting funded a while ago, but I was informed of my acceptance 2-3 weeks before that.


Side note out of curiosity, anyone know the relative strength of rhet/comp at Temple? It's hard to get a sense of it through the stuff I've seen/read so far.

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Just turned down a very well-funded offer at Temple. I hope that helps someone!


Nada.am, would you mind giving a few more specifics? Was your offer for the English PhD or Comp. Lit.? And, generally speaking (if you don't want to be specific), what qualifies as a "very well-funded offer" from Temple? I've heard their funding can be pretty limited, so I'm curious.


I'm actually still waiting on my funding decision, but all my POIs there have been very encouraging about my chances of getting funded. Apparently I've been nominated for a university-wide fellowship, the results of which won't be announced until the end of the month. Perhaps they're waiting to make my funding offer based on whether or not I win the fellowship.... Ah, I wish I could just know. I really like Temple's program.


Best of luck to everyone!

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I'm arranging for a visit to temple on april 1st. Hopefully, there will be some more clarity about the funding situation after that.


I've been emailing with a current grad student. It seems there are three ways to get funding.

1. Fellowship (No teaching, full tuition, generous stipend)

2. TA (Teaching, full tuition, stipend)

3. Teaching first year writing (?)


The impression I get is very few students get the fellowship, some students get a GTA and some teach FYW. While it seems that funding at Temple is limited and somewhat competitive, it is reassuring to know that the many of their PhDs receive some kind of departmental support.


I really like this program so I don't mind waiting while funding decisions are being made. Let's all try to stay positive and ignore the horror stories on grad cafe about temple funding anxiety.

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Good luck with your visit, morristr! I had a really great visit and am pleased with my offer, so I have just accepted. I'm so excited to go to Temple. Who else out there is accepting or probably accepting? I can't wait to meet everyone!

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I/R/T Temple, I just went through a visit there and decided to go with either Carnegie Mellon or University of Kentucky instead.  It had more to do with faculty interest fit than anything else, but I'll tell you what I was offered funding wise before I declined.  Hopefully that frees up some money for someone else.  I had to come out and ask directly before they committed funding, so try that:


4 years guaranteed (5 year "85% likely")



Have a great year!  I was very impressed with the program and grad students there...sad to say no to living in Philly.  What a great city.

Edited by KTownCubbie
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Philly is indeed a great city, and I'm sorry to hear that the fit wasn't right for you. My TAship funding is actually $16,400--$16,391 to be exact. And FWIW, I was told that the 5th year's funding is always granted to students in good standing (meaning the student has made it past the comp. exam stage).


Carnegie Mellon and U of Kentucky are great, KTownCubbie; best wishes for your decision! It's so good to have choices. :)

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My visit went really well. I was really impressed with the students I observed in the seminar and the faculty I met were super smart. I was informed I'm on a wait list for a TAship, I'm guessing one similar to the one accepted by CastineGrrl and turned down by KTownCubbie. Hopefully, the funding rolls my way soon... this is the program I want hands down.

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