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How big of a drag are criminal records for MPP or IR schools?


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I had two underage drinking tickets during my UG years. I was 19 and 20 at the times of the tickets, and will be applying when I am 27. Should I write some type of addendum for it? I've had no legal issues since then, and I've never had a drinking problem. I definitely don't want to waste my SOP with any mention of it. I'm worried about the AdCom's ability to smell bullshit, so I really don't know how to frame it (i.e. if I'm overly remorseful about it, won't they think "Is this guy really that remorseful about drinking beer when he was a sophomore?") Should I just mention it on the application wherever they ask for criminal records, and then not mention it again? Is trying to spin it as a learning/maturing experience overly cliche?

Without this I think I'm pretty competitive at a lot of good schools.

Edited by jct329
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It depends. If they specifically ask for it, I would check if you have to include it (their are set rules as to what you have to report and what you don't have to). Whenever they ask for it, they usually also ask that you give details, so I'd just add (if you actually have to report it, again, check beforehand), that both of them were minor misdemeanors for underage drinking. It might look bad considering you managed to get caught twice, but wasting space on your SOP is definitely not the right way (unless it actually was a very strong learning experience for you).

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I don't think you have to report misdemeanors, only felonies.

Yeah, I don't think you need to report misdemeanors, but do check. Either way, I vaguely recall there being an "If yes, specify" text box on applications, so if "drinking beer" was it, I don't think you should have a problem.

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I second the others in checking what is mandatory to report, because I highly doubt they run criminal background checks on every applicant to check for misdemeanors; my impression of the SOP is that if it comes out that you didn't report a mandatory item they just kick you out of school. If there is the "optional Essay 3/other comments" you might consider commenting on it, especially if you want to cover your bases.

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