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Cancelling an already accepted offer, Enrollment Deadline 1st april.


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I had accepted the offer from NYU-SCPS on 2nd march since I wasnt sure about their enrollment deadline. Repeated mails to their admissions got no response and out of sheer desperation I selected YES on their online enrollment page and had sent in my 300$ deposit that got returned coz the address on the voucher so generated was wrong. And in the meantime I called up their office and they told me the deadline for accepting and sending in my deposit was 1st April. So I decided to withheld my deposit before re-sending it to the corrected address. Now that I have better offers I would like to rescind my acceptance. The thing is I havent re-sent my deposit and so officially I would like to believe that I have not yet been enrolled. I am confused as to what should I be mailing them and worried if they would hold it against me??

Please help!!!

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If you are going to cancel your admission, don't send in the deposit...

And yes, if you agreed that you would accept and are now rescinding, they have a right to be upset with you. I would very carefully and honestly explain to them what happened, and that you now have better offers that you would rather accept instead. I am sure this kind of thing, while uncommon, is hardly unheard of. (for example, people getting taken off the MIT waitlist after the April 15th deadline rescind their other offer)

I hope someone else can shed more light on this issue.

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My name is Akash C and I had been accepted by NYU-SCPS for Global affairs (<University ID>). I had filled in the online acceptance form on <data>. I want to request you to kindly cancel my acceptance. I am thankful to having been given an opportunity to be a part of NYU but at this time, I have decided to accept an offer at another university.

I really apologize for the inconvenience this might cause.

Thank you,

Sincere Regards,


Is this good enough? should I be adding anything more? Please suggest

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I agree with IRTONI. Even though I was totally turned off by their unresponsiveness, I dont think it would be appropriate to go to the extent of accusing them of being unclear about their enrollment deadlines and other details.

Thanks to everyone for all your help! :)

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