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Any thoughts? (NYU, BU & The New School)


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Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to decide between three offers, which I've got from New York University, Boston University and The New School, and I was wondering if anybody in here had any thoughts, that I should be taking into consideration? I will be studying either International Relations (with a focus on development) or Development Policy. All offers are for M.A. degrees. The offer from The New School comes with a 40% merit-based tuition scholarship.

If you have any thoughts about or experience with these universities/programs, that you think could be relevant for me to know, please speak out. I'm quite confused myself, and I would very much appreciate any comments, whether they are about the school reputation, cost of living in Boston/NY, student atmosphere, education quality, academic level, economy or something else.

Some info about me: I'm from Denmark (which means that I'm not very knowledgeable about American universities) and I have a bachelor's degree in law (LL.B.) and a master's degree in law (LL.M.) from Copenhagen University and some work experience. My goal is to specialize in development policy and afterwards to begin an international career. I've never visited either Boston or New York.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Cleo,

so, I am from Germany - small wave into the north ;) - and I studied (History) for one semester at BU. In my opinion - Boston rocks :). Seriously, there are so many students from all over the world, it is a really great multicultural atmosphere. Nice people, many nice things to do in Beantown (beach, music, sports, New England to explore...Canada is not far away either). The city has a European touch, for sure. Some parts remind me of Victorian London ;). RedSox, Celtics, Pats, Bruins - sports is everywhere you look. BU has got a great and active student body. The professors were very helpful and my American friends were great in helping me to cope with the many new things I had to deal with while being the first time abroad for a couple of months.

I have got a BA and in about 2 months MA-degree in History and American/British Cultural Studies and want to do another MA-degree in International Affairs. So, right now, I am still thinking about BU and the Elliott School.

NY as a city is at least as great as Boston but I have only been there as a tourist. I guess I could happily live in both cities ;).

In order to get an idea of prices for flatshares - look up craigslist.org - it depends where you want to live (if you don't mind to liver further away from campus, you pay less of course. My opinion - you'll need about $800/month for rent. It can be more it can also be less but to get something nice, with utilities...well, as I said - my opinion.) Living is expensive - again my guess would be that NYC and Boston are comparable...?!

I am uncertain about reputation as well as my heart is pounding heavily for Boston. The reputation of DC however would not hurt for an international career...

Ok, I have no idea if I could help you at all, but feel free to ask more questions - be happy to help! :)

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Hi PaulaRevere,

Thanks for your response!

It's always nice to hear from somebody who has some practical experience, and I'm glad to hear that you had a nice time in Boston and consider going back.

I'm not really sure what I want from this thread other than just to hear what other people would be thinking/considering, if they were in my shoes :)

I'm finding it really hard to decide between my options and unfortunately I don't really know anyone who can help me with the decision.

I guess I might be leaning towards BU (probably because I'm a little intimidated about moving to NY), but I can't help thinking, that I should be choosing the highest ranking school (NYU). Then again my practical sense kicks in and says to go with The New School, which is offering a scholarship.

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