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I haven't heard anything either, although I also got an email several weeks ago saying that admitted students would be contacted the week of Feb 16th and rejected students would be notified by mail the end of February through beginning of March.

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Good info. I'm a little unnerved that I never received such an e-mail though.

If you're sure that it wasn't sent to an alternative email address, it might be a good idea to contact them tomorrow. Maybe they had your email address wrong, but would use the same one to notify you this week?

Good luck, everybody!

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Good info. I'm a little unnerved that I never received such an e-mail though.

I got that email in reply to one I had sent making sure all of my application materials had been received, since they had previously notified me that one of my LORs hadn't come yet. I'm not sure if I would have gotten the email about the dates for admissions decisions otherwise, so I wouldn't worry if you didn't get it.

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I got that email in reply to one I had sent making sure all of my application materials had been received, since they had previously notified me that one of my LORs hadn't come yet. I'm not sure if I would have gotten the email about the dates for admissions decisions otherwise, so I wouldn't worry if you didn't get it.

I don't want to make dirkduck worry more, but I got the email unprompted. So definitely contact them.

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It looks like tomorrow SHOULD be our day... unless the weekend counts as the week of the 16th, or they let us down (and as we've found, adcoms are great at letting people down :roll: )!

Should we place bets on if UA will contact tomorrow? Are we allowed to call/e-mail at the end of the day if they don't start contacting tomorrow?

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I don't think it hurts to call or e-mail and ask what you should assume, since you didn't get news last week (when they said they would notify) - I think they contacted me so quickly because I e-mailed on Friday and said I needed to plan a visit to another school if I didn't get in to UA, and wanted to know what to do since I didn't hear anything last week. They've made their decisions, and those decisions won't change if you call. GOOD LUCK!

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I have no idea about funding, the visit day, or anything other than what I posted above. But according to the website,

In 2008-2009. stipends for half-time assistantships (20 hours a week) are $14,734 for students without an M.A. degree and $15,698 for students with an M.A.

Even if the amounts end up being a bit less for 09-10, that's still PLENTY of money to get by on in Tucson. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything!

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I got the "real" acceptance e-mail today, which didn't have a whole lot more info than my first, but did mention that I will get a letter from the dept chair with info about funding "soon" and the DGS will be calling "sometime this week" to see if I have any questions about the program, faculty, funding, etc.

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The letter with the details was sent to my permanent address (aka my parents' house). I have a 14.7k stipend (with an increase once you get the MA) for four years, tuition waived, health insurance, and the assurance that most people are able to get funding for all of their time at U of A. Also, there will not be a visit day because of the economic crisis.

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Hey, has anyone still not heard from UA? I haven't received any word at all, and despite e-mailing the grad. coordinator a few days ago, have not received a response.

I still haven't heard either, but I haven't emailed them yet. It doesn't help that someone said rejection letters were sent to their permanent address. I just have to trust that my mom will let me know if anything arrives.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Why do you think it's taking so long? I'm more skeptical than usual about being waitlisted. It wasn't that great a fit for me.

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I still haven't heard either, but I haven't emailed them yet. It doesn't help that someone said rejection letters were sent to their permanent address. I just have to trust that my mom will let me know if anything arrives.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Why do you think it's taking so long? I'm more skeptical than usual about being waitlisted. It wasn't that great a fit for me.

Yeah, I have no idea what's taking so long. I would have expected a rejection letter to arrive by now (I gave the same address for mailing and permanent). Strange thing is I e-mailed the grad coordinator a long time ago to verify that my application was received and I got a prompt response. Who knows!

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Yeah, I have no idea what's taking so long. I would have expected a rejection letter to arrive by now (I gave the same address for mailing and permanent). Strange thing is I e-mailed the grad coordinator a long time ago to verify that my application was received and I got a prompt response. Who knows!

They must be more swamped than usual, I guess? Or only cared about their applicants before they saw our applications :roll:.

I'm staying relatively patient. Having a few back ups already helps tremendously.

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