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Not Accepted, Not Rejected... Not Waitlisted either...but "I'm still under consideration"?...


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So far, I'm officially waitlisted at my top 2 choice schools. My third choice is.... I suppose I'm waitlisted also (if this even qualifies as being waitlisted).

I applied to the Masters of Science program for Speech Language Pathology at Pacific University. They are a new program. It's April 26, 2012 now and I have heard nothing. Then yesterday I broke down and emailed them only to get a vague response about how "I'm still under active consideration" and "thank you for [my] patience".

What does this mean???

The admissions counselor insists that she can not give me anymore information and that the department is still making decisions even though I know for sure that other applicants have already recieved acceptance/rejection letters while i have received nothing.

I honestly don't know what to do. Has anyone had this happen to them? Are there other schools out there, who do this?

Essentially, I'm kept in limbo until they ....well I have no idea.

I'm going crazy here! Perhaps it is a strategy to drive people like me crazy! It's working.

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I'm going crazy here! Perhaps it is a strategy to drive people like me crazy! It's working.

Maybe you're onto something. Could it be that the grad application process is really a huge social experiment? Or maybe it's run by the pharmaceutical companies to get a boost in sales for stress and anxiety meds.

Your definitely not the only one going through this right now. If you scroll through the site a bit you'll see a lot of similar situations and some that recently ended in great news. There are also many programs this year that will be sending out their final decisions in mid May.

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A lot of the schools I had applied to were like that. April 15 came around and I hadn't heard from anyone, but was told decisions were still being made. It's essentially a waitlist from what I could tell. Early on they can offer acceptance to their top pick people and reject people that they know they don't want. Then for the rest of the good candidates its a matter of space, funding, and how many people they gave offers to say no. The school I ended up getting accepted into informed me the wait was due to them waiting on budget approval (I got accepted April 20 something). I know the wait is crazy but especially with being a new program maybe it is just taking them more time. I know it sukcs but really all you can do is wait and if it makes you feel better to be planning for something then make a back up plan and figure out what you will do different next year if it ends up being a no. Don't lose hope yet though, it isn't over till its over:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was in the same position with Pacific until just a few days ago when they said I was accepted. I have already accepted to a program in Texas but now I dont know what to do! Did you ever hear from them? If so, are you attending?

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My daughter is going through the same thing with Touro College. I think it's a disgrace that this goes on in this country. From what I've learned through 'her' experience with all this and from what I've read on GradCafe, this would be a great 60 minutes investigation. The way these schools treat students is horrific and I'm sure scandelous.

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