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The Moving Problem


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I was wondering this, too, but I'm another youngin' (23). I'll be moving about 1600 miles to get to school. I moved home from college every summer during my undergrad so I've nearly got it down to a science, but it will be a a bit more difficult this time around. I have to fit everything into the tiny car I have right now. So far the plan is to spend a couple weeks this summer sorting through my junk and seeing what I can toss out. While I love Smithsonian, what's the point of saving my 4 years worth if I never re-read them? I've already talked to my grandma and she's going to let me use her vacuum packer for my linens, blankets, and clothes so that should cut down a fair amount of space. When the time comes I'll stuff everything I can into my car and either pay to store the rest for the 2 years of my masters or leave it at my parent's. I'll look at thrift stores/Craig's list for whatever furniture I need and buy a new mattress. I'm actually looking forward to that as I don't think I've ever had a brand new mattress!

My main worry is paying to ship the few things I "need" but don't have space for. How much does it cost to ship books? Would it be less to ship my clothes? I have too many books and I just don't think I can decide which to bring with me!



Not everyone is 22-24 yrs old. I have many possessions and will have to pay a substantial amount to move my things across the country. I suppose when you get older and have lived in a three bedroom home, you tend to have furniture that is not worth tossing to purchase again in another state. I know I definitely don't see the point of letting go my beautiful red leather couch...or my other edgy modern furniture (or three flat screens). I guess being older and working in surgery as my first career helped with my expensive furniture addiction. 


Either way- feel lucky you have little, I remember those youngin' days where I could shove all my stuff in a car and drive. There are pros and cons to everything I suppose!

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I can't speak from personal experience, but I know some people use Amtrak and Greyhound to ship things cheaply- might be worth looking into as far as options go.

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