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Interview for TA position


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What tips do you have for interviewing for a TA position (in the humanities)? What is the protocol for bringing a teaching dossier? Do you bring faculty evaluations and/or student evaluations, and syllabuses of the previous classes you've TA'ed? Anybody with experience doing this?

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I think TA interviews are more of a formality. Honestly, whenever I've been in a TA interview, it's more just to check out my availability and schedule, not an actual 'evaluation' of my skills.

However, I would come prepared. Bring a CV, TA evaluations, and syllabuses of previous courses. I would be prepared to talk about schedule, time management, and talking about instances where you've handled difficult situations with students/classes. I would also come with a clear idea of your schedule and other commitments that you have for the semester you're looking to TA in. Also, I might include a syllabus/paper/work that you have taken/done that relates to the class you are going to TA for- to show your background/expertise/experience with that topic.

Good luck!!

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I interviewed for a teaching position one time where I had to give them a 5 minute "sample" of how I lecture. This actually would not be a bad thing to prepare. Have a brief presentation about something you have taught in the past and be able to present it like you have. Pick something you know a lot about and could easily lecture about without any notes. I don't know how formal the interview is, but it might not be that serious.

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I interviewed for a teaching position one time where I had to give them a 5 minute "sample" of how I lecture. This actually would not be a bad thing to prepare. Have a brief presentation about something you have taught in the past and be able to present it like you have. Pick something you know a lot about and could easily lecture about without any notes. I don't know how formal the interview is, but it might not be that serious.

I've gotta add a caveat to your comment here: having to go through a work sample as part of an interview for a TA position is only likely to happen if you will actually be lecturing to students. Second, I have only heard of this happening in business schools. I don't think you will need to worry about something like this for a TAship in the humanities - that being said, it does not hurt to be prepared.

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