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Fulbright 2009-2010


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Regarding the German Fulbright for the research grant, I just wanted to point out that one person received an alternate letter from *New York* (sydneyvicious, p. 15), while another said that letters were sent out from *Germany* last Tuesday, March 31 (susan, p. 15). There could be a difference between alternate vs. grantee letters here.

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Just emailed Jermaine Jones, who is the IIE officer in charge of Sub-Saharan Africa. His response:

"Notifications letters for all of the finalists to sub-Saharan African countries will be printed and placed in the mail (from IIE's New York City office) later this week. I'd assume that you'd receive your letter no later than the end of next week."

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Congrats to those who have heard back with positive news-- and best of luck to those still waiting.

For those of you who applied for the HK ETA: any word yet? I was just browsing on the Fulbright Hong Kong forum on Facebook and it looks like the ETAs found out around March 31st last year. Seems pretty late this year, no? Just wondering if anyone knows whether the letters have at least been mailed out.

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Well, I've been watching this discussion board for a while, and congrats to everyone. Thanks as well to everyone sharing info on here. I've applied to Bangladesh, so this is probably most helpful for South/Central Asia folks wondering what the heck is going on (!). Here's my contribution:

Moments ago I got an email from Cara Wolinsky at fulbright that started with "Congratulations on your selection for the U.S. Student Fulbright Program. Because your application is being reviewed for the Critical Language Enhancement Award, we are writing to request some additional information. Your receipt of this letter does not mean that you have been selected for a Critical Language Enhancement Award."

Then it asked for specific info regarding langauge plans. HOWEVER, I also got an email right afterward that said: "I would like to retract the statement in the previous email stating that you were selected for a Fulbright award. The final selection has not yet been made, and you will be notified of your status soon. We are still reviewing your applications, including your application for a Critical Language Enhancement Award."

I'm hoping that this is a case of someone sending something out too soon (but that it means I have actually been selected for the fulbright and now they are considering the CLEA--eek this is murderous!) but at least, this will motivate them to get the notifications out!

This process has officially crossed into cruel and unusual.

Anyone else get any more info on the South Asia timetable?

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Hey Bengalbound, I'm applying to Sri Lanka and I'm definitely possessed with Fulbright anxiety. That's really awesome that you got that "take back" email- that's a good sign. Hopefully it does mean that they'll send out the letters soon. Last week, I emailed and called Charles Restrepo who is the program manager for South and Central Asia. He gave me the generic "mid-april" response. Has anyone else tried contacting him about South Asia? If you haven't and would like to, here is the contact info:

Charles Restrepo, Program Manager

Tel: 212 984-5519 crestrepo@iie.org

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Congrats to those who have heard back with positive news-- and best of luck to those still waiting.

For those of you who applied for the HK ETA: any word yet? I was just browsing on the Fulbright Hong Kong forum on Facebook and it looks like the ETAs found out around March 31st last year. Seems pretty late this year, no? Just wondering if anyone knows whether the letters have at least been mailed out.

Yea I am a finalist as well and noticed that in previous years they found out last week. I received the procedural "mid april" response so hopefully we receive word this week. I've come to a point where I have stopped worrying. Whatever happens, happens. Good luck to everyone and whomever hears word from China or HK, please post.

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Well, I've been watching this discussion board for a while, and congrats to everyone. Thanks as well to everyone sharing info on here. I've applied to Bangladesh, so this is probably most helpful for South/Central Asia folks wondering what the heck is going on (!). Here's my contribution:

Moments ago I got an email from Cara Wolinsky at fulbright that started with "Congratulations on your selection for the U.S. Student Fulbright Program. Because your application is being reviewed for the Critical Language Enhancement Award, we are writing to request some additional information. Your receipt of this letter does not mean that you have been selected for a Critical Language Enhancement Award."

Then it asked for specific info regarding langauge plans. HOWEVER, I also got an email right afterward that said: "I would like to retract the statement in the previous email stating that you were selected for a Fulbright award. The final selection has not yet been made, and you will be notified of your status soon. We are still reviewing your applications, including your application for a Critical Language Enhancement Award."

Hey Bengalbound,

The exact same situation happened to me, but I'm a China finalist. I was so excited at first until two minutes later I realized Cara sent out a retraction email. I hoping this is a good omen for both of us!!

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I am a finalist waiting on a decision for a research Fulbright in India. Just spoke with our rep in New York, he said that they had received final decisions but were waiting on final approval from the commission here - and that could take "2-3 more weeks." Argh.

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I just got an email reply from Charles, for people interested in South Asia, and like the other post he told me 2-3 weeks - seriously?!

Are you serious!!! WTF...grrrr :x That's what he said at the beginning of last week. It's going to be 2-3 weeks forever! It's gonna be October and we'll still be told to wait 2-3 weeks!

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Are you serious!!! WTF...grrrr :x That's what he said at the beginning of last week. It's going to be 2-3 weeks forever! It's gonna be October and we'll still be told to wait 2-3 weeks!

Yea this is getting ridiculous. If the Rhodes and other prestigious scholarships can get back sooner, I think the Fulbright should speed this up. It's been 8 months. I'll have a child before I find out my decision.

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hey all,

I believe that the next 2 weeks is going to be the final stretch for fulbright (especially for europe). I called Europe manager and they said next week Albania should be ready to go and that the rest of european countries will be send out. I keep praying. I have a question, lets say country X only granst 2 awards and 4 people have been recommended. When they send out award letters do they send 2 awards and 2 alternates or 2 awards, 1 alternate and 1 rejection?

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I just got an email reply from Charles, for people interested in South Asia, and like the other post he told me 2-3 weeks - seriously?!

is that just for ETAs? or for research grants too? he definitely told me mid-April, and 2-3 weeks from now is late April... :(

i don't understand why this is taking so long for Nepal. they only give out 5 research and 2 ETA grants! how could it possibly take so much time to select the winners when it was already narrowed down in January?! i mean, they just don't have that many applications to read. i guess i shouldn't be surprised though, because this is South Asia, after all. ;) but does anyone else get the feeling that it is the New York office, not the Nepal office, that is taking so long?

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Re: South Asia and two - three weeks--

I'm not sure who that applies to but I didnt tell him what I had applied to, so i'm thinking its for both..the waiting is killing me! I applied for the ETA in Nepal and agree with you - its two spots..how long can it take?

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I was notified last week of my grantee status for the German Research Fellowship.

I received a manila envelope from the NY IIE office on Thursday last week and a business envelope from the German Fulbright Commission on Saturday.

Good luck to all of you!

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I was notified last week of my grantee status for the German Research Fellowship. I received a manila envelope from the NY IIE office on Thursday last week

I was notified of my alternate status for the Germany Research Fellowship, but I also received this in a manila envelope, for all of you out there. I had a feeling it wasn't it because it was so thin. When I read the first words, which said something like "We are keenly aware..." I knew I didn't get it.

Someone said most alternates end up getting it, but I just doubt that. Anybody else hear anything about that? How many people are alternates? Do they rank them?

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does anyone know if its common to receive email notification before the snail-mail notification? Or why they don't just notify everyone through email in the first place and then send the hard copy acceptance as a formality?

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does anyone know if its common to receive email notification before the snail-mail notification? Or why they don't just notify everyone through email in the first place and then send the hard copy acceptance as a formality?

because they are sadists. i swear, when they sent the ambiguous email to the German ETA's where I couldn't tell whether it was an acceptance or not i was just a mess.

and johanna, i actually haven't seen the official letter yet and won't until this weekend, since they sent it to my home address -- i'll let you know if i figure out the PAD confusion

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Yea...I really think it is the New York IIE office, not the South Asian offices that are taking so long. IIE already has the final choices from the host country but they are holding off because they re-review the host countries selections. BS!!!

I believe it's the FSB who delays the process a bit. Once the FSB approves it, the IIE goes and sends out the final decisions. But remember it's one board of 12 members, making all of these decisions so naturally it'll be a lengthy process.

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because they are sadists. i swear, when they sent the ambiguous email to the German ETA's where I couldn't tell whether it was an acceptance or not i was just a mess.

and johanna, i actually haven't seen the official letter yet and won't until this weekend, since they sent it to my home address -- i'll let you know if i figure out the PAD confusion

LOL I agree. There's no reason why they can't just do email and hard copy. I think they like the whole suspense feel that goes with this waiting process.

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