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CIHR DRA 2013 Competition

Mike Slackenerny

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I've done that multiple times. It's nice seeing your friends on that list. Hopefully, I can be validated with a DRA as well. Otherwise, it will be a series of scholarships/travel awards for 2-3 more years for me.

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You know, it'll prob be the same as last year. I remember us brooding together around this time last year convinced that the results will be released on Friday...then Saturday...Sunday and then finally Monday Morning. All those time points passed us, and Monday afternoon was D-day.



The rejection letter was dated April 12, 2012 (Thu?) and the results came out April 16, 2012 (Mon) online at 12:45pm-ish


If its the same this year, then perhaps we can take solace in the fact that the decision letters have already been created today (Thu - Apr 11, 2013) and then our results will be online by Mon Apri 15, 2013 before 1pm.



Even with this knowledge in my head, I will however continue to check the CIHR decisions page, ResearchNet, my email and this forum like a lunatic til Monday.


EDIT: changed grammar and spelling

Edited by Mike Slackenerny
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No, you can't apply to both.


Are the results posted on ResearchNet or CIHR decision page before emailing the applicants? This is the first time I am applying and to know all these details makes even more impatient. I am trying to take comfort in the fact that decisions are already made and at this point, there is nothing to be done but wait for the award (hopefully) or not.

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not sure if it's the same for everybody, but ResearchNet should have the results first. Some people get an email right away notifying them that the results are up. Some people get email notifications that are delayed (20-40 mins). The CIHR decisions pape may notify that the results have been announced, but a comprehensive list of all the winners are generated a couple of days later.

If anybody else has any other comments, please correct any of the following stated above.

P.S: I know that sometimes you get an email saying that the results are on Researhnet, but you cannot access your decision on the website after logging in because of all the heavy traffic on researchnet caused by hundreds of people all trying to check their results at the same time. If that happens, take a deep breath, finish up your next incubation step/write the next paragraph etc and then check again ;)

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Thank you guys for the info. The "refresh" button will be definitely exhausted on Monday.


I have already started working on a departmental scholarship and the deadline is Monday too! I will probably wait for CIHR decision before I send my application.

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If there's one thing y'all can be sure of - results for a government competition will NEVER come out on a weekend. It takes these guys 7 months to review a few pieces of paper, and half of the applications are thrown out at the get-go for a GPA to low, or margins too wide. Work is clearly NOT taking place on weekends. PLUS these people are unionized up the ying yang = no weekend work. Bureaucracy runs thicker than Alberta tar sludge over at the magical CIHR/NSERC/SSHERC castle.

Edited by torontotron
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Sure. you get a percentile ranking. Last year, I was place 394th in section A, along with a percentile ranking of 37.88% according to their calculations.

These are the numbers from 2012:

DRA Section A

Total Number of Applicants - 1038

Number approved - 141

DRA Section B

Total Number of Applicants - 486

Number approved - 69

So if you were ranked among the top 141 for section A or top 69 for section B, you got the award.

Furthermore if you applied to a special priority areas (such as the SHOPP for Falconi's Anemia) you could still get a DRA even if you didn't make the cut off.

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Those 2012 numbers are not looking very nice re: number of applicants and number approved. I suppose I'll take comfort in the information of how much or little I suck. Thanks for the info.

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yeah I know. I went through that disappointment during the last cycle. In the event of a rejection, it's best not to take it personally like I did last year.

Trying to secure a DRA with such tough odds can definitely be a harrowing experience. I think this forum was very helpful for me in coping with the rejection as well as preparing for another chance. Either way, I hope at least a few of us who post/lurk here get the award and those that are unlucky not to get one realize that it's not necessarily a shortcoming on their part, and is not reflective of their future research potential. Take it as feedback, and then move on.

However, if you do get ranked high, then WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO

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It's easier said than done not to take it personally.


I am looking forward to everyone posting their results though! I hope at least someone on here gets one.

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