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Question about accepting an offer


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Hi fellow educators,

How long do you have to accept an offer for admission? Is there a standard timeframe? I received an email over the weekend letting me know that I was accepted to my top-choice PhD program (BC). I also applied to HGSE but think that is highly unlikely at this point. Even if I did get in, I think I would still be strongly leaning toward BC because it seems to be a better fit for me on a number of levels. But HGSE is HGSE so I think I would be remiss to completely overlook it if I did get accepted. Anyway, I have heard nothing from HGSE and am just wondering how long you think I should wait before I write back to BC to let them know I'm coming.

Thanks for your insight!

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hi rhonechica,

If possible, I think you should wait until you get an official decision from HGSE in order not to regret. You might need to learn by what date you should respond to the offer from BC and plan appropriately. What program in BC are you in? I was also admitted to BC and other two programs but I am waiting to get decisions from all of them (including HGSE) and then come up with my final decision.


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