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where do I stand on the Anthroscale


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Hi All!

I am planning apply for a PhD. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology.

I did my post grad in Eco. and worked for three years (not related to eco, IR or ANthro)....

I have a 1430 equivalent in GRE




I am not sure how to convert my 55% in both undergrad and post grad from India into GPA scores.

I am prepared to spend 5 years in a MA + PhD integrated course, provided I get full funding.

Please suggest what universities I should look at for realistic chance of getting full funding.

Please bear in mind that I have no training in this field and I cant prepare a very specific research proposal...it will probably indicate a broad area of interest.

On a scale of 1-10 what are my chances of getting admitted into any of the top 50 socio-cultural Anthropology programs in US with full funding?

Thanks and Regards,

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Hi I do not know too much about the anthro process... I am also switching fields from math and am much more familiar with that process. Have you taken any anthro classes and if so did you do well? One thing that I am doing to help my application is taking some of the entry level anthro classes and am trying to get A+s in them. This will also hopefully help with getting some recommendation letters from the anthropology professors. Also, I have been reading lots of articles to narrow my interests. My advice would be to try to read enough articles that you get an idea of your interests and then contact those professors before you apply.

Your GRE is terrific so I would think that if you can narrow your interests a bit and find professors who are interested in you then you will have a decent shot. I hope this helps!

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thanks comp12

and brit32011

I cannot take any anthro classes coz I am not enrolled anywhere and it will be difficult for me to do any classes.

But I am reading up on the subject started from the very basics - reading Anthropology by Carol R. Ember, Melvin Ember, Peter N. Peregrine.

Will it be ok if in my research proposal i simply indicate my area of interest, say I wold like to work on gender discrimination in some society etc

or it is a must to present a proper proposal with a hypothesis and a suggested methodology?

Thanks and all the best!

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