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Queer Theology


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Hi everyone! I'm looking to start applying to grad schools for my master's, and I'm hoping to work in the area of queer theology. Can anyone give me any recommendations of schools or general advice? Is there anyone else interested in queer theology here? My top choice is HDS, but....it's also HDS and therefore pretty competitive, so I'm trying to create a comprehensive list and narrow it down from there. Thanks so much!!

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I would take a serious look at Yale div school—the conversation is definitely happening there. Faculty-wise Kathryn Tanner is there and does some of that and Linn Tonstad is going there in the fall from SMU. Tonstad is young, brilliant, and queer theology is her wheelhouse—definitely someone to check out if you want to do queer theology (emphasis on the theology) rather than just bringing queer critical theory to the study of religion.

Union Theological Seminary is also a great place, but is more focused on MDiv's.

HDS is of course a lovely place, but be warned: with Mark Jordan leaving and Marie Griffith already gone, there might not actually be anyone to teach queer-ish things.

It can be done at Claremont Graduate University too, but good luck getting funding.

Don't know about Vanderbilt faculty, but it would be worth checking.

Here at Chicago div school we have a nascent queer theology reading group, but this is probably not the place if you want queer theology to be your focus (with Tanner gone and our refusal to hire Mark Jordan).

All in all, from what I know (very little!) Union and YDS are the two places where queer issues are at the forefront, but I think that at basically any good div school (other than Chicago) it would be possible. I'm sure that others on this board have some more info. Happy hunting!

Edited by matt6666666666
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HDS is a strong place for this, which you're obviously aware of. The conversation is indeed beginning to take root at Yale as Matt has mentioned (though to be fair, its been ongoing for years but is gaining steam).

HDS may in fact be weakened by Jordan and Griffith being gone but they still have King (I think she does more early christianity), I've heard mixed reviews regarding Fennema, Pearson is visiting and I'm not aware of the length of her contract or when you may be arriving, there's Hollywood but I really know nothing of her except she has written in the field of queer studies and teaches in it. There are others that "spill" into the field of queer theology but I've primarily stuck to the Christian discipline -- there are some that deal with this topic from an Asian viewpoint (and others).

I think Vanderbilt is a strong place for this - You have Ellen Armour, the amazing Amy-Jill Levine, and Dr. Sasson but I don't know how often she teaches as she is officially retired.

It's more MDiv focused but Union is a place for this (as Matt mentioned) but so is EDS (Episcopal Divinity School - the school would also allow you access to courses through BTI). Within the EDS, and it hurts me to know this and pass it on, but EDS has become nicknamed LDS or Lesbian Divinity School for the attention it's giving to Queer Theology and its promotion of an 'Open Church.'

I'd stay clear of Chicago but that's my personal opinion, when I interviewed there (6 years ago now), I got the impression that the school was moderate-leaning conservative and didn't really invest a lot of interest/resources into the field.

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The Iliff School of Theology in Denver is certainly worth checking out. While they don't have a resident Queer theorist, the conversation is certainly vibrant there in most of their fields. The funding won't be anything to write home about, but neither will admittance to the MA program be painstakingly competitive.

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