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How to politely renege on a signed contract?


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Hey Everyone,

Due to multiple reasons, from feelings of obligations to pressure from friends and family, I had signed a contract last April to attend a PhD program at University of Washington-Seattle. After some real soul searching, advice from a girlfriend, and advice from other students seeking their PhD, I was advised to not go through with the program given that it is not something that really interests me. I now want to politely decline my contract, but do not know how to do it honestly without looking like a fool, in addition to feeling horrible since this may have prevented someone who was wait-listed from getting into the program. But, I figure it's the adult thing to gracefully renege on the contract, rather than make myself and others miserable by forcing myself through this program.

Any advice on how to do this? Anyone else had to do this?


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The topic doesn't interest you? Or doing a PhD at all? The former is probably worse than the latter, in terms of getting out gracefully.

If you'll never do a PhD then something brief is probably fine, "I have some unfortunate news that I'm sorry to have to share. I have reconsidered my career choices and have decided not to pursue a PhD, therefore I will not be attending your program in September. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience that I know this will cause you, please know that it was not a decision that I made lightly." Don't go into details about family, girlfriend, etc

It's unfortunate but people change their minds and, if you're not going into academia, you don't need them to like you anyway. But be sure about the decision because you're definitely burning bridges and academia is a small community. And at this point you might owe them some tuition, that would depend on the university's policies.

If it's just the topic that you don't like then use "I have reconsidered my decision to attend graduate school at this time, therefore I will not be attending...." in place of the second sentence. Honestly in this case it's probably impossible to avoid looking like a flake, but rip that band aid off and move on. You can be impeccably polite but you're still leaving them in a shitty situation. But do what's right for you!

Edited by lewin00
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Well you have to see this in perspective.For you, this is a big thing and a big decision. For them less so. Sure they will not be very happy but this happens and they have a lot of students to worry about who actually attend so nobody will spend thinking about the news more than 5 minutes. Don't feel bad, the department spared some money for next year, maybe someone will get in who wouldn't have. levin00's email template sounds good.

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