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Bad undergrad grades


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For the first time in almost ten years, I took a look at my undergrad transcript. It is bad. Here is why:

1. Grades. I failed two English courses and for two semesters I had to withdraw. This was done retroactively when I basically failed all my classes for those two semesters. Some pretty horrible things happened when I was in college. I was raped (sorry if that is too much detail), suffered from major depression, and diagnosed with Endometriosis. The guy that raped me were in those two English classes and it is was easier, emotionally, to just not go to class rather than drop them (I know that doesn't make much sense, but I wasn't dealing with a full deck at the time and PhD programs were not even a thought in my head). In previous applications, I wrote that I had a "major illness" and have been accepted with no problem. Would that work this time?

2. Weird New Agey program. OK....my major is technically in liberal studies. However, it is actually part of this special school within the CSU system. I have called it an honors program in the past, but it is more selective than anything else. All GE classes were taught as these monster 12-unit courses that met three times a week. They were all seminar based. In other words, we read the books, discussed them, and wrote papers. It was kind of like a great books program, but a little bit more hippie like. Now, because all the professors that were in charge of the program were these aging hippies, they were all against grades. Felt grades destroyed the learning process. So basically my entire GE classes are C/NC. Now, for my MA and MLS applications, I have given "as if" grades along with the transcript. They are basically a letter from the department with the grades that I would have earned if I got grades. This has worked perfectly for both applications. However, those programs were super easy getting into. PhD programs are another story. Plus, the courses have strange titles. For one of my classes, I helped found an Endometrosis support group in my area. It literally says on my transcript "Endometriosis Support Group." Another program I took was about entertainment and the role it plays on society. That is called "Entertainment."

On a positive note, I do have a wonderful professor who has become a dear friend from that department. He is a serious scholar. Very well published, but in Anthropology. I know he would write an outstanding LOR that would explain the program and acknowledge my "major illness." Should I go that route?

Also, keep in mind my GPA for both my MLS and MA are outstanding. My MA will probably be around 3.8 to 3.9. With my MLS, it was 3.7. As I posted before, everything else in my application is strong. Should I worry?

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Your situation is very different from that of someone who just did nothing for 3 years and then suddenly realized they didn't want to go out into the real world.

Having a M.A. and M.L.S. with high grades will more than offset your undergrad grades, especially given you have extenuating circumstances.

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Yeah....I just wanted to get a variety of opinions, especially with my strange undergrad program with no grades.

As for the troll, I just wanted to write down what I told a couple of entering MA students in my program. It is actually kind of fun in a strange way seeing their faces when I go on that rant. One of my professors said he is going to give all his "I want to go for a PhD" students to me, because I do such a good job. Maybe that should be included in my LOR? :) lol

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I think the diversity of experiences you have will be an asset. You want to play up how "special" you are. So... you have two graduate degrees, went a non-traditional program... I think those are huge positives.

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I'm not too different to yourself. I have no particularly bad grades (no fails whatsoever at undergrad or postgrad), but some first year results for Classics and English were not brilliant (particularly the former which I dropped). I was a bit inconsistent, I could write a brilliant essay and then a subpar exam (though always preferred the essays). I lost interest in my MA thesis topic but m also very stubborn and committed to it, finishing what I started. A lot of this was due to geography. I am in Ireland and was writing about the importance of exploration and mapping of the Rocky Mountains in the early 19th century, so the near endless amounts of sources I needed were a few thousand miles away. I was having trouble motivating myself due to other concerns too, and was really not impressed with the content of my MA course (The research methods course was utterly terrible).

I'm also doing an MLIS (just finished and awaiting results) and am expecting First Class Honours. I realised that I did the MA at the wrong time, and in the wrong place and maybe even the wrong MA as their was an American Studies MA that had far more scope, content and still allowed me to take all the history modules. I put it down to youthful naivety and will hopefully use the SoP to address all this.

My biggest problem is getting to grips with the North American system which is a lot different to the system over here. New England Nat, if you wouldn't mind, I might have to get in touch about SoP, no worries if not.

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Thanks. I know. I will be be getting down to those details mid October I'd say. I'm a bit in flux until my final result comes in. Still in the midst of investigating precisely where to apply. I'm applying to universities in both the US and Canada, and probably the UK but I'm familar with their system. I don't expect anyone to be an expert, and am more inclined to ask the advice of those who admit they are not,

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